[fixed] Lua CLICK Binding not working

the macro text has been changed to /sit for testing purposes (it doesnt require secure but should still work)

the keybinding works in retail but nothing happens in tww beta once the keybinding is set there.

tested binding the key in question to another action and it works ok, so its not the key im using.

local btn = ARKINV_MountToggle
if not btn then
	btn = CreateFrame( "Button", "ARKINV_MountToggle", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate" )
	btn:SetAttribute( "type", "macro" )
	btn:SetPoint( "CENTER" )
	btn:Hide( )
	btn:SetMouseClickEnabled( true )
	btn:RegisterForClicks( "AnyDown", "AnyUp" )
	btn:SetAttribute( "macrotext", "/sit" )
<Binding name="CLICK ARKINV_MountToggle:LeftButton" category="ArkInventory " />

something similar happened in the dragonflight beta when CLICK bindings broke there and were later fixed.

edit: cant reply to my own post, so, this appears to have been fixed in the latest beta build (, thankyou.