Fixed Covenant has gotta be the worst design EVER

Yea, but we could largely ignore you until WoW was drained of other activities besides raiding.

You found the path of least resistance. Congrats, pick up your ‘I am unique’ trophy among the millions on the rack, I’m sure it’s one-of-a-kind.

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This doesn’t even make sense as an insult since if I pick the path of least resistance, why would I care about being unique?

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Because you pretend that you’re skilled when it’s the complete opposite?

So why would I care about being unique if my idea of being skilled is to emulate top tier players?

You really didn’t think this through.

Because you pretend that you don’t.

I pretend I don’t what?

Being skilled is not coping someone else’s picks to score high, it is employing actual skill to score high.

We said all this would happen during beta but here we are.

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Here we are being meta/damage meter slaves.

Yep and literally everyone was saying this in the alpha/beta/when the game launched and blizzard still held onto “but it’s a meaningful choice” even after the stats came out where 90% of certain classes/specs were going a single covenant.

Honestly probably the thing I hate the most about SL because covenant’s could have been SO MUCH BETTER if they had just made all the abilities talents and make it easier to switch/represent different covenants.

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“Quality of life” cuts both ways. The banner phrase against casuals getting good gear from elites is “You don’t need it.” Higher ilvl gear would improve the “quality of life” for casuals, and be no hinderance on elite players as casuals would not have the records to be invited.

That is preciously the problem.

For the Mythic Eye fight, we had 2 Enh shamans in grp, both with 245 ilvl, similar stats, I even had a better 252 Main hand. he had 20% crit, 40%mastery, I had 16%crit, 47%mastery, BOTH have 30% haste. not a huge stat diff, right?

For the entire duration of the fight,
He’s at 93% parse, I’m at 42% parse.
Here’s the logs, I actually casted MORE elemental blast/storm strike, AND lava lash.
It’s just due to the fact I’m not NF, I don’t have the mastery soulbind, so my average cast hits for 20% less than his on average.
Any suggestion on how to improve my gameplay???

Yeah, when I swapped to necro for kitty pvp, my dps dropped dramatically in raid as boomie. Back in 9.0.

Blizz definitely made the choice meaningful. I’ll give them that.

My meaningful choice was to just not pvp anymore because I hate convoke play in pvp.

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Wow should play to their strengths which is gameplay. They hindered that with the conduit energy and strict covenant ability systems.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t improve on other aspects of the game, but I don’t think they should cause pain points with the gameplay.


You’d think BFA was a half finished project (which it was) and can’t get any worse, here comes SL with covenants.

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i think thats why im so burnt out and just tired of it. had my hopes up for shadowlands to ‘fix’ the issues that were in bfa, but instead, we got this pile of crud called SL.

With Mage is specially sad when all three specs. are better on a different covenant. In the lists of played covenants, Night Fae Arcane Mage is only 1% and I’m almost sure it’s only me.

I think specs having different stats and requiring different legendaries was enough to keep it different, no need to also land a covenant on them. But I do also understand it is very hard to balance and they wanted to make them meaningful. Not saying I don’t get frustrated sometimes with my Night Fae Arcane Mage, knowing I’d lose many things I grinded for if I switch.

Since only about 10 percent of max level characters are even running raids…and even less than that are running arenas/2x2s/3x3s/rbgs this impacts less people that you make it out to impact.

How is it meta when there’s obviously a best choice for everything, but you’re screwed if choice gets nerfed. Imagine trying to hinder your group because you decide you want to play bad in an MMO.

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I don’t think you have room to talk on a level 20 alt there, bud.