FIXED - Awakening the Machine not available if on "Fire and Gemstone" quest

Same issue, on Fire and Gemstone, unable to interact with Kuldas. Deleting quest does not work he just allows you to pick it back up again.

Bug was found in beta 2 months ago and still not fixed xD gotta love it blizz!

i just abandoned that and did the world quest one so thats not too much of a problem but yeah if we miss out on a weeks worth of Awakening Machine weeklys ahahaahaha WP

Also having this issue.

Being renown rank 11 and accept fire and gemstone quest is stopping me from being able to do the awakened event.

Posted on wrong character, its my druid that is bugged

Was anyone able to sniff up any ringing gemstones for the quest cause yeah i swear ive done 100 and nothing

in the quest text it says “Gnawbles can probably point you in the right direction” but when you go and talk to him its just regular dialogue

I have encountered this same bug as well. No customer service ticket submitted since they will direct to post here anyway.

Reporting in, same issue. Really hope they fix this asap. I mean it’d be one thing if just missing out on a bountiful key, but sadly I was dumb and took the weekly without knowing this bug existed and now absolutely annoyed.

Im in the same position.

Cant do Awakening the machine.
Cant dig up Ringing Gemstone.

Me and the Wife are also having the same issue. I have tried abandoning both the quests he give you and nothing happens. Was also in a group where the other went and we couldnt.

I wonder if abandoning the world soul weekly to pick up another would work?

I am also having this issue. I have the fire and gemstone quest that I cant complete. It also is blocking me from doing awakening the machine which really sucks.

I am also having this issue. I have the fire and gemstone quest that I cant complete. It also is blocking me from doing awakening the machine which really sucks. Reposted on correct toon.

Posting on my main - I am having this issue. Fire and Gemstone, no matter what I try I cannot do the event.

Same Issue

I have the same issue, i sent a bug report but no response.

Same issue. I was able to enter Awakening the Machine, I left it, then did a few quests and hit Renown 11, after going back to enter the Awakening the Machine zone again, I only had this quest available and no dialogue option to enter Awakening the Machine any longer.

Dropping the quest does not fix this, so at the moment, it seems we’re being punished for doing well on the rep farm for Renown until this is fixed.

I couldnt do it even before accepting the quest, now that I have the quest I still cant. Please fix. First major game breaking bug for this expansion

I having the same issue opened a ticket not sure Please fix

Same issue :confused:

Same issue