Fix your stupid loot system

The purpose of group loot in LFR is to turn players who are not already geared away from raiding. It seems to be succeeding. This will make raids more epic again.

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 You have used BiS twice in one sentence. While we understand you lost a roll on something. If you want to avoid this, please look to raid with a group of people that you trust and can loot council the items as you see fit.

In other words. The loot system is working as intended.

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The problem is that there isn’t an official definition of what need means. You don’t get to define what a player needs, but your entire argument relies on doing just that. They participated in the kill the same as you; why do you get to decide they don’t get a fair shot to roll on it?

But even if we define need the way I’m guessing you intend, you’ll never have the full story about the loot the other person has or might use later. Even in your example, do you know the evoker didn’t have a high level offhand they couldn’t use until they got a one hander?

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What if I have a higher ilevel off hand and that 1 hander lets me use it?

Unfortunately, the legendary quest requires me to have 200 Resonant Crystals, and I’m at 11.


Well I need for
Side grade
DE for mats
Vendor for gold
Like to keep in my bag to piss you off

So I think I will keep rolling need when I can.


Thank you.

Get over it.

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But how does the game know if that person fits your personal definition of needing it?

Until you actually think about it, then you realize it’s impossible.


Will YOU go play something else if they change it again and you don’t like it?

Imo the vault should put into account items you’ve rolled need on and failed to get should maybe be increased chance to being in the vault.

I’ve now rolled and lost 8 of the balthros trinkets
And a pug snatched the Nhyme heroic trinket

I’ve yet to see either in my vault EVER.


I’m gonna sigh HEAVILY and likely take the higher item that’s tier again for the third damn week and hate my wasted time again

Why’s my dice cursed to roll 30 below on what I need most?

I think that loot should always go to the character for which it would be the largest upgrade, so that when you have low level gear, you get lots of loot, then as your ilvl rises, you get less and less.

I dont know that it is broken when they can use it?

That said, if we are doing the actual rolls in lfr again we really need those extra roll tokens back. I’ve been playing across 4 characters for the new lfr raid since is launched and only won a single roll. It’s frustrating and crazy.

Blizzard still insists that item level represents item power with their personal loot trade rules, despite this never having been even close to true. Yet the entire raid loot structure should rely on Blizzard being able to assess when a given item is an upgrade?

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If it’s a wand ,more for you!

My vendor gold is more important than your upgrade sweaty I literally do not know you and will never see you again. Don’t like it join a guild.

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Yes, it absolutely should, then you wouldn’t have half the player base constantly crying about a person who doesn’t need an item getting it over a person who does.
The current loot system is rectal cancer.

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No you’d have more than half of the player base crying that there’s no point in them going to raid because all loot is going to players who are wearing the bear minimum amount of gear to queue for the raid.

But that’s even completely beside the point I was making. Your suggestion of giving loot to the “most deserving” has some merits even if I vehemently disagree with it. But the execution is IMPOSSIBLE because it’s not possible to even make the assessment that would be required to do so. Tanks and healers can’t be simmed at all even to this day, and DPS benefits shift wildly based on every stat they get a hold of. Item level does not, never has, and likely never will do even a decent job of measuring item power for all specs. The system you’re requesting would fail to accomplish even the basics of the goal you espouse it should exist to do. We would get all the downside for none of the upside.

You’re welcome to your opinion, but I disagree. Group loot actually works quite well for my guild’s raids. And despite the floor stamping and teeth gnashing, it actually offers better loot odds in PUGs such as LFR than personal loot did.


And how do you want the game to determine that?

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I get a LOT more agreement from players in LFR when I say the loot system is bad than if I say it’s good, and yes I have tested that, so your opinion about how it works in your guild raids is quite irrelevant.

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They designed all the gear, they specified all the stats and have playtested everything. They 100% should know which piece of gear is objectively better than another in any given comparison.

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