Fix your Stuff!

Enough of the full server dc’s on every server… bg … everyone dc’d… stromgarde… everyone dc’d…


Some pre-pubescent edgelord bought a bot pack and is DDoSing everything, not blizzards fault. At some point things will get overwhelmed.


I’m guessing you don’t know how a DDoS works?


yeah its just a lot to handle for a small indie developer


Blizzard already has counter measures for these things. You can overload just about anything with requests. You expecting military grade protection for a games company is whats unreasonable.


It isn’t just as easy as just writing two lines of commands and presto. This is a game company, not state militar security to have it fixed in 0.0000034s.

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No I’m expecting commercial grade protection from attacks that are already nullified in the rest of the modern world


Oh tell us how they have been nullified in the rest of the modern world when they still happen all over the world?


This is the first Ive seen this done in ages. I believe that Blizz does a good job on this.


Oi. Nothing to do with Blizzard and people will still blame them.

People. Really. Get a grip. This has nothing to do with Blizzard. Take Blizzard to task on things that actually have something to do with them. Not when they’re the target of an attack that is quite clearly working.


im broke and I cant even play this game im getting kicked I payed 15 to much

Yes they do and if they need to keep it going to try and catch them then i am fine with them taking all the time they need.


Going by a lot of forum posts, I’m surprised people are even allowed on computers in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from these forums it’s that people will blame blizzard for anything, from actual game problems to player interactions.


Sad but true. It’s disgusting behavior.

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Imagine not having any other hobbies.


FIne don’t blame blizzard. Maybe they found a critical part of a service provider that hosts a lot of blizz traffic instead. I’m sure we’ll find out if it’s not their fault, and we’ll never know if it is.

Solutions exist to prevent and mitigate attacks, but they are expensive. It’s more cost effective to just let the servers go down once in a while.

Remember, this is the same company that was sending direct links to Wowhead while they were hosting malicious malware as a band-aid fix instead of hiring more GMs. Did your account get hacked 2015-2016? Instead of addressing the issue they deleted all threads from official forums and Reddit.

Remember, sometimes it’s cheaper to let problems happen than to prevent them.

I’ve never had an issue with WoWhead. That said, if your account got hacked in 2015-2016, why didn’t you have the authenticator or sms protect in use? It’s ridiculously easy to protect your account.

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AHHHHHHHHHHH I need my WoW fix!!!

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Your subscription only gives you access to Blizzard’s servers.

Today, some buffoon is DDOSing (look up what that is if unsure) Blizzard’s servers, thus denying everyone access.

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