dude gave a blue response from 2013 about nothing of what matters… i am merely talking about swapping weapons. i do not care about procs.
weapon swap has been working for well past 2013.
dude gave a blue response from 2013 about nothing of what matters… i am merely talking about swapping weapons. i do not care about procs.
weapon swap has been working for well past 2013.
It has been an exploit since well past 2013 you mean (at least the way you specifically seem to try to use it).
I repeat:
You should learn how to play without needing to cheat.
ugh one of you. typical brainless people who think using your brain is cheating.
Yes. One of me, who doesn’t need to exploit the game to play it.
It is hardly intentional to circumvent the GCD in order to make it worthwhile to begin with. If you want to swap weapons mid-combat, you have a 1.5 second long GCD to deal with.
If you circumvent that, then that’s an exploit.
You really should learn what words mean, because if you cheat … you are in fact a cheater. Regardless of however smart you like to pretend you are.
Have a good day, and stop cheating.
because there are certain weapons that are useful without relying on the procs. not many of them exist in wow… but they exist for this specific reason.
For example?
youre just annoying is what you are. i spoke nothing about avoiding GCD… i just mentioned it’s 2 globals now.
weapon swap has been a thing for almost 2 decades.
stop targeting me with your nonsense when you clearly are very new to the game.
STRATEGY is not an exploit. my strategy in this game is what sets me apart from everyone else. exploiting is when you do something that isnt part of the rules. swapping weapons is PART OF THE GAME. always has been.
The examples people have given are things like the Gavel from Shadowlands, to provide your character with more stats than what they are supposed to have.
DKs in the past were able to utilize multiple 2H runeforges on different weapons.
Other people have mentioned rogues swapping to swords before using Ambush for the increased damage.
That sort of a thing. You know, perfectly “intentional” things. They aren’t talking about swapping to a shield or the like to use an ability, but just to straight up exploit different weapon configurations in order to maximize damage in unintended ways.
There’s multiple Reddit threads that have talked about these things for years.
abendroth — i gave you well enough of an example. i am not going to literally leak out secret items in forums so everyone can follow suit when something took me years of testing to discover.
You mean you didn’t give any…
swords dont work with ambush. they did that as an exploit in vanilla. and those 2 players were the ones that attacked me and they were perma banned.
youre literally listening history of the game where ive been involved. swords were not suposed to ambush. its a dagger move. so these 2 players… whom were some of my arch enemies in wow, were perma banned when they were caught exploiting. simply because… swords cant ambush. thus, its an exploit.
what dont you comprehend.
Correct. And you can do that.
But you aren’t able to circumvent the limitations that exist in the game via macros.
You want to swap weapons? Do that. Completely fine.
You want to use macros for that? Considering the stuff I read others were doing to circumvent the GCD and more … that’s where the exploit lies.
I’m pretty sure I’m the one supposed to ask you this. Because somehow you don’t seem to get it, but then again you are the one who are acting like a forum edgelord with stuff like this:
No one is making you talk on the forums. You can just go away and swap items without exploiting to your heart’s desire. But nothing of what you have said here even remotely implies that you are trying to do this in a legitimate way.
I was in relation to Real Procs Per Minute, not weapon swapping.
Tell me, what weapons aree you trying to swap and why are you doing so?
How about i help you write a macro by linking some infro aqbout rogues specifically wrtiting macros for ambush > sinister strike if you “WaNt To KeEp YoUr SeKrEtS”
Spam Button 1: Equip Assassin’s Blade → Ambush
Spam Button 2: Equip Shadowfang → Sinister Strike
#showtooltip Ambush
/equipslot 16 *weapon ID*
/equipslot 17 *weapon name*
/cast Ambush
#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/equipslot 16 item:1482:1898 (weapon id looks like this)
/equipslot 17 Thief's Blade (weapon name looks like this)
/cast Sinister Strike
You can find the script to get the item id from inside the xpoff thread i linked.
Here is another thing to try.
Both macros are ‘legal’ as it causes the gcd of the weapon swap and requires a second press to cast the ability. You might be having some issues macroing the weapon swap because it tries to swap your main hand first and always and the off hand swap messes up (i know this from using weapon swap macros as fury, 2x2h weapons)
Again im not sure what you are trying to do and seem pretty set on keeping whatever sceret you have to yourslef, that tells me that you are trying to do something shady - hope i could help.
I have better survival options than Shield of the Righteous that don’t require a weapon swap.
you are correct… these would work however. when you are swapping weapons of the same name. they do not work. the old item id used to work just fine, but due to the 2 globals… swapping weapons with item id of same weapon name with different id’s do not work. so i’d just like the ITEM IDs to work again. however it does not differenciate between the id’s anymore. it’ll just swap main hand to offhand, vice versa.
i have a macro that works to swap weapons. however. it requires 3 key presses. it should only require 2 presses. that is my issue. swapping is clunky…
im not worried about my macros attacking when swapping. i just want them to swap consistantly and with 2 key presses to represent the 2 globals it take nows. but it 3 key presses to swap weapons of same name. thus my issue. too clunky.
your posts are valid but the real issue is what they have done to the ITEM ID macros. they do not operate effectively anymore.
i am not doing anything shady. i am just not here to teach anyone my tricks. lol. if it was “shady” i would have been warned about it 2 decades ago.
for those calling me an edgelord. you guys are attacking me… i am not attacking you
and yes… i am the #1 edgelord of wow forums. accept it.
There exists a macro to equip an itemf rom a specific inventory slot, this might help you. Not my macros but i had it working in slands for gavel swaps specific to bag slot (had to force the gavel off in combat by equipping a shield then equipping another 2hander).
9nov 2022 and im using:
/Equipslot 16 4 17
/Equipslot 17 4 18
(You have to put the items in the right spot for it to work, and after that u can use this to switch both main and offhand directly, and not 1 at the time.)
make sure your Mainhand weapon has the number BEFORE the offhandso if u put /equipslot 16 4 17 that means u want to equip Mainhand weapon (Press C and u will see mainhand has slot#16. the number 4 means what bag u are putting it in and 17 means the 17th slot in the bag.
and /Equipslot 17 4 18 will be your Offhandslot… 4 will be The Bag itself. and 18 is where u have put your offhand weapon in your bagslot
/Equipslot 16 2 2 = Mainhand in your 2nd bag, in the 2nd bagslot
/// Qwerrty @ Mirage Raceway
nope does not work with what i intend to do. seems like the proper solution but its not anymore. i swap too many weapons, so they get swapped from different inventory locations… then that type of macros just mixes up all my weapons
my current macro is pretty goofy to weapon swap. its 2 differnt types of swapping macros in 1. im hoping they fixed it in this latest patch. need to test.
yeah tested. weapon swap macros still not jiving properly