FIX weapon swapping

No gavel had special rules. You could swap the weapon off after using it but couldnt swap back to it in combat.

Ah, my bad. That might be because the game can’t stop you taking a specific weapon off but it can stop you putting a specific weapon on?

It required equipping shield to remove it yes. You couldnt straight swap to another 2h weapon.

Equipping the shield forced the gavel off. Then you could swap to any other weapon in combat as per normal but Gavel has a speecial rule that it couldnt be equippeed in combat - i tried many a macro and system to equip it at 3m40s and have the 20 sec on use lin up with its 4m cd - it worked in the world and in a raid on trash - it did not work in a raid boss.

So yes, it sounds like that’s the limitation. They want you to always be able to swap TO a shield / 1h when necessary but don’t want you to be able to abuse this consistently to get value from cantrip weapons without also being impacted by their downsides.

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Yeah i think so - but seeing that other thread about dk’s runeforge swapping via multiple weapons might have caused a change - i havent needed to swap any wapon in df really so i havent tested its limitations.

It worked really well for gavel in sub 4 min fights.

I am glad someone pointed out shields, but that it took 32 comments before someone said, “Hey-- wait a minute.” smh…

But yea, as someone who used to like this, Blizzard has made it tougher to do… I assume because it isn’t a base game functions, and requires some level of macro understanding, which much of the general population chooses not to delve into.

Yeah, you can still swap weapons on principle. There are just limitations when it comes to weapons with special effects.

There are also those certain instances where it is straight up disabled (Ex: rated pvp).

Dk gets hit with a debuff called “Off Balance” if they try to weapon swap in combat. It makes it so their enchant does not work at all for 30 seconds. This was added in 2020.

My guess is they didn’t want people swapping from Fallen Crusader to Sanguine when their hp was low (Sanguine here would basically be a free healing pot if this was allowed).

Anything rppm has a “Deadzone” period after it procs where the chance of it proccing again is sufficiently low enough to be insignificant. The chance of a proc increases the longer you are from the previous one but I’m not certain if it checks whether the enchant was actually attached or not during the downtime.

Really? Where is this data im genuinely interested.

It’s just how rppm works, things get more likely to happen the longer they haven’t happened for. It helps to keep variance in proc rates without making extreme circumstances that skew results too common. Not everything is rppm, but most are.

Maths aside, is this actually coded into the game tho? Eg fallen crusader has 3ppm hasted with no icd and has the same chance every time it ‘can proc’.

This is basic probability, pretty sure nothing in wow increases in probability (procs dont have blad luck protection).

Are you saying they do?

That’s what rppm does, yes. This is different from “The more chances X can happen, the more X will happen”. Things don’t have fixed proc rates per X anymore, they have average proc rates. Sometimes they’re affected by haste, sometimes they aren’t.

This is the last time i understood rppm was changed - back in 2013.

Community Manager

[#23] - July 30, 2013, 9:22 p.m.

Can we clarify what ‘rarer’ RPPM procs are? We talking the meta-gem here?

We’re not changing the actual RPPM proc rates at all, just how much time is “banked” before the pull. The underlying math that determines what the actual chances are isn’t changing.

So, here’s a couple hypothetical examples using very rough napkin math. I don’t remember RPPMs for actual trinkets off the top of my head (and they’re not particularly necessary for illustration purposes):

Trinket A has an RPPM that allows it to reach a 100% proc chance if it hasn’t fired after 60 seconds. This trinket will have a guaranteed proc on the pull.

Trinket B has an RPPM that allows it to reach a 100% proc chance if it hasn’t fired after 100 seconds. It will not be guaranteed to proc immediately, but will proc within the first 10 seconds.

Trinket C has an RPPM that allows it to reach a 100% proc chance after 2 minutes. It will not be guaranteed to proc immediately (regardless of how much time you’ve spent out of combat), but will proc within the first 30 seconds.

Does this still stand true?

All I can say for certain is it’s not A.

There is something I and some other TCers like to call “Saturating the proc rate”, which is doing something enough times across a period of time that the number of procs on average cannot increase. I’ll run you through an example.

Back when shadow priest had a much more hectic voidform rotation in late shadowlands, mind flay had an rppm proc to spawn a tentacle. In this rotation you often could comfortably cast higher value spells than mind flay for large swathes of time, but it was always better to intermittently weave in flays to make sure you had the minimum number of mind flay ticks per roughly 10 seconds to reach maximum odds of generating a tentacle.

The important quality of rppm is that the number of X that occurs on average once the proc rate has been saturated does not increase the more you do it, which is ofcourse different from fixed percentage where the more you attempt to do something, the more it will happen regardless.

Thats a blue response in 2013 - all 3 are true.

At the time yes, I’m not aware of anything that works like A still being used.

Point being if you have a weapon enchant like fallen crusader, and saturating it’s proc rate requires you to attack for roughly 30 seconds out of every minute, you could wear a fixed effect weapon enchant the other 30 seconds and not lose value from the proc one. This is ofcourse not something blizzard would want.

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I used to swap to sword/board with equipment change prior to Shadowlands and that Gavel change that wrecked it for everyone.

I can still do it but not with a macro, have to physically and manually do each hand and it then makes you completely useless for 5-6 seconds while doing it.

This makes it useless in practically all situations.

My intended usage was to swap and off tank if the tank goes down unitl battle rez or finish the encounter as tank…

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thats not the issue im speaking on…

Yeah I missed the end of your thing. Why do you want to switch multiple times then if it isn’t for passive/cantrips?

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