Fix unrated pvp

It’s not about class balance it’s about stat balance. It’s nearly impossible for people to grind honor in unrated content because of how massive the gear gap is which is completely discouraging and anti-fun.

Yes it is. A fresh 60 going into pvp has less than half the health of most geared players.

The honor gains are faster but the upgrade costs for gear are absurd.

A fully upgraded honor set which will barely allow you to compete in low rated arenas costs over 88k honor. Yeah you read that correct, 88,000 honor.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

A 2handed weapon costs 14250 honor to fully upgrade it which is still subpar compared to rated gear.

This makes zero sense. Being able to simply compete in arenas and BG’s is not something you should have to earn lmao. The rewards you get from excelling in that content and climbing rating is what takes work.

Stop saying “you need to grind out your gear.” You’re missing the entire point of the this post which is that the “grind” is a horrible slow slog where players are walking around completely useless and getting 1-2 shot all game, every game. That’s the problem

It would screw you over how? Because you can’t prey on players that you have a significant ilvl advantage over?

PvP is supposed to be about skill vs skill, not gear vs gear. You like the current system because it allows you to get powerful and destroy other players even though you aren’t good. That’s not how pvp should work.

Right because you’re bad lol. You don’t want pvp to be fair because then you’d get smashed all the time. I can’t exactly blame you for wanting things to stay how they are but the majority of players would disagree with you.


Yeah. Have one queue—available to any level of character and any ilvl since it won’t matter—with fully templated stats and gear (and no gear scaling: everyone’s gear is equalized) that provides the base honor/conquest points and have the other queue be just like it is now with slight bonus to honor/conquest gain (but requires a minimum item level—if going by the gearing today, make it either the average in-PVP-scenarios ilvl of the max-rank honor gear—to enter at max level while below max level this queue is only available to those who flagged XP-Off). I don’t know if parties where not all characters have a high enough average item level would be able to queue for the standard, non-template queue or not or if having one or more players without a high enough item level should require the party to be forced into the template queue.

Of course, that’s making a big assumption that current Blizzard is capable of balancing stat templates between specs…but, as long as time to kill is reasonable and not too short or too drawn out, it would be a more enjoyable experience for lower-ilvl characters while still providing gear-meaningfulness in unranked play at higher item levels (though the templated queue would also be available to those players as well as an option).

So please explain

For a lot of paying customers, it used to be their end game.

It is BGs that are designed to be fun for geared players to trash badly geared players and drive them out of the game? Are you sure you’re not Ion?

I don’t think you’ve ever played PvP, since you don’t remotely understand how it has worked in this expansion. You seem to be telling new players, returning players, and alts to go back in time to the first couple of weeks of the expansion when it was easy to get high rating and be sitting pretty for the entire expansion, even though you must know it takes many times that now to do it when you’re always fighting with boosters who are exploiting the heck out of the system so they don’t have to have a real job. Are you one of those?

You are posting on a classic toon and so am I. What’s your honor level? Mine is 565. Is that high enough?

They need a new category, AV, WSG, and AB scaled like the original Korrak’s where everyone can play together with templates.


This is a terrible idea. Ques are already bad enough. This would make it worse.

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That doesn’t make it an endgame.

Boosters are free wins if you’re actually any good at the game.

It’s also easier to push now because ratings are inflated.

You do realize honor level means absolutely nothing right?

It absolutely does, unless you only count elitist jerks as having an “endgame”. Half the playerbase used to queue for randoms in wrath. You fixed that by destroying the playerbase. I bet your mom is so proud of you.

Utterly false. But you are one of those who sees the concept of Truth™ as a useful way to manipulate others.

I see you are coming to the support of your classic alt who says that honor level 38 means someone should not be eligible to post on these forums.

Honor level means I have that sweet, sweet mount and you don’t.


Actually no it doesn’t. People do pet battles and only pet battles. Doesn’t make it an end game.

It’s actually not false. Most people boosting are carrying fresh characters. If you’re getting 1v2ed then you’re making major major mistakes.

That’s not me at all. I realize you’re arguments don’t really hold water and you’re grasping at straws but I don’t play classic at all. Even then ALL of my characters have a variation of Snoz in them.

I do agree with them though. Someone with zero pvp experience shouldn’t be commenting on pvp.

Sure thing. It’s just means you spend more time against bots. It doesn’t mean you’re actually good at the game.

End game is whatever someone chooses to do at level cap my guy…. Wow needs to grow beyond its narrow scope of just rated content being endgame… that is great content (don’t get me wrong), but the biggest portion of gaming (not just wow gaming) are casual players that just want to play… some peoples endgame is creating the perfect mog, collecting mounts, taking screenshots, doing a few bgs with friends…etc


That may be the end content someone does but it’s not actually endgame. If people choose to do that it’s fine it’s their choice. However this game is very distinct on what is considered endgame.

See this is the disconnect. Just because someone is casual doesn’t mean they are bad at the game. Stop trying to use the term casual to make a weak point.

And that’s why the numbers are dwindling to its competition… rated stuff is fine but the game can’t just focus on new players and only mythic players…

You’re asking the game to cater to bad or lazy players.

Just because people are casual doesn’t make them bad.

Don’t twist my words… I never spoke of player skill just because I used the word casual… most of the gaming player base doesn’t do the hardest content in the gaming world for a variety of reasons.

Most of the gaming player base plays accessible content and that is what wow is failing on compared to its competitors


I’m not twisting anything. You implied it when you tried to imply casuals don’t do rated content.

They don’t do the content because they aren’t good enough.

You just did it again. Arena and mplus are extremely accessible.

The problem can’t be fixed through the upgrade system, the problem is the upgrade system.


This has been something the rated community has been saying as well. This nonsensical system involving gearing currently and having so many friggin’ tiers of it is insane. And has never been something we’ve had before, and there was good reason for it. PvP should be accessible, not this nightmare of a grind fest where gear matters so much more now than it ever has before. It’s not fun.


I agree. The upgrade system in pvp should be scrapped or at the least the costs reduced by 500%.

No, you are doing it again… bro casual is not a negative word…. The largest portion of the gaming player base does not play the rated content of games for whatever reason they choose to play aka casual…

Accessibility to play unrated content is wows issue… primarily unranked pvp where you should not be required to have rated gear to be relevant in non ranked pvp.

You shouldn’t need to grind out system on top of system to be relevant in mythic plus or raiding until you get to mythic or the hardest content available…


No I’m not. You’re the one using casual to defend people not putting effort into the game.

Casual is nothing but a metric of time.

It’s extremely accessible. Most people just refuse to put any level of effort into it.

You don’t. I pushed 1600 in threes last week without even using a leggo.

This is a bad player problem, and not one Blizzard should take into consideration at all when balancing PvP or gearing.