Fix Torghast, fix it now!

I just spent over 3 hours in the first layer of Torghast twisting corridors on my protection warrior with an ilvl of 187. I made it through the first 11 floors without any problems, wiped everything out super easily. Then i get to the end boss. He had 900k hp and healed for 50k every two to three seconds. With pummel at 15 seconds, stun at 45 seconds, and fear at even longer, how is someone supposed to deal with this enormous waste of time by coming up to an unkillable boss?

What exactly are you wanting fixed?

Going by blizzards ilvl recommendations on the ptr that will show on the info tuesday. TC layer 1 should be 180 ilvl. This means you are only 7 ilvl above, as such it should be a real challenge. As such esp for TC the optional wing you should have all the maw upgrades.

You further did not mentiontion your power and soul amount or how well you cleared, which norm when people don’t its since they dint grab them all. This is esp true when people are doing layer 1 and think its “easy” so they skip. This will further reduce your power than is already on the edge of the level it should be with only 7 ilvls over the recomendation.

Esp if you are only on floor 12 the end boss there is not scaled up anywhere near as fast as the floor 18 one so having the 12th endboss “unkillable” really leans me into thinking you did not have maw upgrades and did not get all your souls/powers.

You are meant to deal with TC by doing the prep work this includes getting your maw upgrades, coming with consumables including a armor kit flask wep oil and food, having enough time to properly clear the entire place out. Lacking the prep or wanting a larger leeway further getting into a group. While of course getting your ilvl to level vs the recommendation vs the skill you have. IF your world class go below the ilvl if your competent if your spec go at your ilvl or within 10. If your an alt and don’t know the spec as well overgear it. This further is based on spec if your playing one of the harder specs (prot warrior is one of the easier specs as a tank but still harder than most tanks) get extra gear or a group.

Also before asking for a fix you should look at the patch notes and the many changes coming to it. Some making it harder/nerfs most QoL changes and some making it easier/buffs based on class.

Lastly there is no such thing as a unkillable boss in torg. If it feels unkillable you have likely missed something about that boss to make it killable or do not have the expected level of power. In this case as you said hes healing 50k per 2 sec I know exactly what boss you mean and hes healing so much as your doing it wrong. He healz based off your current hp as shown on his info. As such you keep your hp as low as possible the lower the better without dieing. This highly reducing his healing for you to kill him. The more hp you gather on the way the lower % you can keep at safely. While the less you gather the less he healz when your at a higher % as he goes by value not % to set his healing. The game even tells you on floor 3/9/15 the boss coming to allow you to plan by not taking more hp perks, grabing a 1.5 min immunity perk and saving it to 100% prevent his healing or many other tricks based on the boss.

I cleared the whole dungeon, i always do because its usually fun, which it was right up until the end boss. Which was unkillable for my character with over 50 anima powers, over 40 souls. The problem was not with the lack of powers, it was with me healing to full hit points whenever i hit the guy, and he heals to full right after that. There should be nothing like this in any layer 1 scenario. Go ahead and keep thinking im a horrible player and that all you 1 percenters are the only people blizz is apparently pandering to. I fortunately have a life outside of wow so when i get my time wasted because of bad development i get angry. So instead of being an elitist, maybe you could bring yourself down to the level of normal players and understand what were talking about.

You’re supposed to interrupt the heal. Yes, it’s really that simple. Once he’s cast it on himself it’s a healing over time effect and you can’t remove it. He doesn’t cast it constantly, you have plenty of time to interrupt it every time it’s cast.

It’s really just a get good issue here.

Youre saying to interrupt the heal? The one he does constantly even after interrupting it? How many interrupts do you think people have dude? I pummel him, and 5 seconds later hes healing again.

Was it this guy?

Bounty of the Forest is the only important thing to interrupt. It’s a 4 second cast, and he doesn’t spam it.

At this point the op really should tell us exactly what mob.

There is a few possibility’s.

Empowered flame tender if he’s talking mini boss and think he might be. In which case it’s one int every about 30 secs so wouldent be spamming so might not be this guy.

Could be the guy above that a pic was linked looking on wowhead his heal is a 12 sec CD (norm he delays the cast so closer to 15-20 secs between) so every single melee and tank can int every single time. The hot lasts 10 secs and heals him 30 percent of his hp 3 per sec if you miss. Pummel is a 10 sec CD as a note so know for a fact it’s up for every single one. His stun you don’t int unless you think he’s about to cast his heal, if so you stun him to stop it not int it to than int the heal. Otherwise you can side step the stun seen it done but I norm just take it or stun him.

Or it can be the one that I mentioned in the first post that heals based on your current hp and he dose spam his heal but still at least 5-6 sec between them so can int every other one if you want but better to int the fear. You int the ones you can and keep your health as low as possible as his healing is reduced based on your current health value. Than it’s just dpsing faster than he hits for. He hardly hits you so low health is not a big issue and your dps will easily be higher than his healing in fact if you have been focusing offense powers that a tank should be as you got enough defense baseline save for grabbing one or two defense powers. This boss even has an effect prophecy of death that reduces your max hp by 20 percent stackable allowing you to easy control the level of ho you have to reduce his healing.

As said there is no unkillable boss in Torg. If you feel that way it’s do to you not having maw upgrades, to low of ilvl, rushing or doing the fight incorrectly. Otherwise go in a group to increase your leeway when fighting.

As a tank Complaining about a fight being unkillable is esp worse as tanks have a “easy” time in Torg. All the tanks are among the best specs in Torg.

Watchers of Death was the boss. Im mainly pissed about it being layer 1, the whole thing was incredibly easy right up until the last guy. I got great anima powers the whole run. Cleared everything like i always do to get everything possible. The way they show the hologram of something doesnt help people that dont research every aspect of the game before playing. For it being layer 1, a person should be able to go into it without any knowledge other than the class they are playing. I have been playing warrior since the game started. I feel with that knowledge i should be able to face roll layer 1 of anything. Which i was doing until the last guy. So 3 hours of wasted time because i didnt know i had to take a college course in torghast mob tactics before trying to play the game for myself. Can you really not get how i would be angry?

watches of death is exactly the mob I menitoned in the first post.

He uses his heal every 5+ secs so spammy yes but that dosen’t matter you are not meant to int them. The game makes it clear his healing is based of your current hp % and the value he steals is what he healz by. As such you lower your hp % to make the % he steals lower as such lowering his healing. You further can reduce your max hp to reduce the value of health in that %. The effect prophecy of death reduces your hp by 20% per stack and you have full control over how high you let it get. As such you stack it as high as you want to reduce your hp value so he healz less. He hardly hits you so you don’t need much hp left to fight him.

If he was as you said in the op healing 60k per time thats 60k per 5 secs at the fastest thats 12k per sec. If you went and reduced your max hp by 80% (vary easy to live on him with 80% reduce as a tank) that makes his 12k healing go down to 3k healing per sec. A tank ST is around 2.8-3k dps BEFORE torg powers and buffs. With the amount you had you easy do more dps than that and thats before adding your stuns that can be used to stop his healing. You int the fear so you don’t take spike damage or lose dps.

What killed you was literally a git gud issue. You din’t bother to look into the fight and what was going on to address and fix that issue. You kept just running your head into it and as such dieing.

It being layer 1 means NOTHING. you where in TWISTING CORIDORS. This is the CHALLENGE mode run NOT the normal run. As such it is made to be a challenge. Layer 1 is no different than layer 8 other than in scaling. You learn the fights in the NORMAL WINGS not twisting. You are EXPECTED to know the fights BEFORE twisting so no you should not be fine with just knowing your spec. No it should NOT be faceroll with just that. Each layer has a clear ilvl expectation if you are at that ilvl (you where) it should feel no different than doing layer 8 with its ilvl. The diff layers are not increased challenges for the same player its the same challenge but for a higher ilvl player. As such its increased challenge only if you do all with the SAME ilvl.

No I cant get how you would get angry. As when I have issues with a fight I take a moment to think what is going on and correct the issue. I don’t keep running into the fight as such I learn how to do a fight and as such have not had significant issues on any fight in torg save for one that took 4 lives to do but I knew what I was doing wrong and knew it was a issue with ME not with the boss. I have no issue not being able to do something since I lack the abilty that is part of the game and how you get better.

You are going to the fourm and complaining and asking for a fix rather than understanding the fight or even asking for help on the fight right away. That IS a issue on YOUR END. The reason you are angry is since YOU lack the mindset to better yourself. As such yes YOU SHOULD OF LOST. If the game never gives you a reason to better yourself why would you. You being angry is you being unreasonable blaming your faults on a “broken boss” that working quite fine.

Lol, ok. I have no way to reduce my health, when as i stated i had over 50 anima powers, every single time i hit the guy i heal. Do i just stand there and stare at him while he kills me? The fact that I have to build a certain way to be able to beat a random boss is stupid for it being layer 1. And yes, it does matter as you have to do layer 1 to finish the quest to find anduin. So if its required that everybody does it, than it needs to be a face roll at the required item level. If blizzard is requiring us to go to other sources to learn how to play their game then they are doing it wrong. We should not have to learn from guides about how to play the game when we are supposed to be playing the game.

Continue replying, im done here, you are obviously a horrible waste of my time just like torghast was.

You really need to read before commenting…

I literly told you twice now exactly how to reduce your hp. You most DEF had a way to reduce your hp.

The boss casts pro of death its a aoe zone. You stand in it you now have 20% reduced hp for 60 secs. You can pick to have anywhere from 0-100% hp reduce if you want. You had FULL control over your hp.

As such you helaing every time you hit him is in fact EXACTLY what you want. As than you can take the full 80% reduce without worry as you KNOW you will heal to full after each and every one of his hits. While the boss rather than helaing 60k per 5 would be healing 12k per 5 or 3k a sec something you can overpower WITHOUT a single soul or power furthermore your dps with them.

You don’t have to learn from guides to play the game you only have to stop and think when you have an issue and make a plan before going into a fight if you have a issue. The game should NOT be faceroll esp in content made exactly as that a optional CHALLNGE MODE.

You don’t have to finsh layer 1 for the quest you only have to kill 3 bosses you can kill the first boss 3 times if you want as such making twisting into no different than any other wing as such removing the entire challenge of the mode as the challenge only starts after floor 6 when it becomes different than the other modes. Blizzard already made it so people that only want the quest don’t need to face the challenge.

3 hours for a TC layer 1? That’s incredibly slow. My layers were about 1.5 hours each, and that was full clearing for maximum powers. I was probably around iLvl 204 (Arms and Fury) when I started that journey.

You can say this, but you’re post says you’re probably a bottom 10%. Below average, especially in ilvl. Games can’t be tuned to the lowest possible player, even Lfr is failable.