Fix this exploit

Blizzard fix this exploit in wpvp, a guy playing a guardian druid keeps coming to goldshire with the dragonflight s1 pvp tier set bonus which causes swipe to do a % damage to nearby players when you hit mobs or something so he’s using a quest in eastern plaguelands called “Honor and Strength” to summon 3 level 30 trolls and aoe swipe them and grief and repeatedly kill everyone in goldshire because of this bug fix it or i’ll unsub fr.




Please create a bug report.


Can’t you just turn off WM? :eyes:


nope id rather keep it on. there are 0 people in wm off.

What server are you on that has so many people in goldshire xD


Do you even need to ask? This druid is doing the Light’s work.


Sounds like fun. Where do I sign up?

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holy based

that’s hilarious

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That’s pretty funny. Is this on an RP realm or something? Didn’t realize people still hung out in goldshire.

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Not gonna lie, that’s pretty creative.

I wonder when blizz will learn their lesson with % of damage modifiers. :joy:

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Moonguard for sure

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Moonguard doesn’t have people in wm on. Everyone is wm off so this post wouldn’t make sense

I thought WM didn’t even do anything in Safe Zones, like you see everyone. It’s once you go to contested areas you’re phased?

Well we know what you’re doing in game. LMAO

-Hunters shrapnel can also hit you for millions of damage if they hit a low npc near you.
-Dhs can spam get health from low hp mops if they are near you.

Blizzard added a perma infinite stealth detection item making every stealth class unfun in world pvp.

What item is this?

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Good, Goldshire is a nasty place.

*edit this might actually be wrong item. I forget the name, im sure you could google it.
If I could remove one item from the game it might actually be this item. IDK in what world they thought to give essentially what is a toy that completely demolishes all stealth classes to peoples

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