Wikipedia has the correct idea on dealing with this issue.
Reddit and Wikipedia has had these issues, they still do.
Our forums need to be updated, although there are some changes being made in this direction.
I recommend taking a look at every Twink thread from the past months, take a look for yourselves. There is a very distinctive pattern being made, and we are not the only ones who have noticed.
There is a familiar fingerprint, take a look.
Wikipedia has a system in place which would really help.
Did you miss the parts where I clearly said it didn’t eliminate those things 100% but vastly improved them or were you too busy compiling a disagreement just to disagree?
So your “math” comment was just nothing?
Actually, you can. Even 1-2 against you was under a quarter and enough to make a difference to negatively impact gameplay. I can’t believe people still say that.
Do you also consider actiblizz removing the healer cap per team to be an improvement? The last few bgs across different brackets has been one side with 1-2 heals which is normal. The opposing team has 5 or more healers. Really fun and engaging pvp lemme tell you.
Let me understand this. PUGs or “new people” are incapable of focusing on killing the twinks in BGs. Do you expect them to coordinate together and focus on objectives and killing/ccing healers or is that too much for them to handle? After all many new people might want to just derp around in mid for fun.
My observation is that actiblizz and the trashcan devs attempt to make things better only to make them worse.
Its about establishing the priority of kill targets, which ultimately results in the winner of a bg. If a healer is present=#1, followed by twinks/efc. In your twisted logic you wanted twinks completely removed because they were “2 stronk” yet when the healer cap is removed you are ignorant of the imbalance this creates.
On some occasions, yes they do. I will give you that. “Don’t you guys have cell phones?”
As far as healers go, that’s a non-sequitur here. This thread is about twinks, not healers being an issue. You eat the elephant 1 bite at a time. I think robbers are bad but I don’t want someone getting prison time for TP’ing somebody’s house.
Also, I (personally) did not want twinks completely removed. They have a right to play this game. I personally felt that they belonged in their own queue.
By putting twinks into their own queue they are completely removed. Random battleground queue will not pop with xpoff. In exchange for removing twinks lets look at what the levelers achieved.
-lopsided teams with large healer disparities
-premades and class imbalances still running rampant
-scumlord twinks using the xp bug script
^which is more of a problem than ever now that twinks who focused fighting other twinks will not be there to counter them; resulting in the scumlords running thru the opposing team with no worries
Overall this change just demonstrates that the dev team is incapable of doing THEIR JOB of tuning and balancing the outliers in pvp content. Hope you all enjoy the rep gated junk and cash shop mounts BFA has to offer.
To me, completely removed would be to basically delete them altogether. The whole “math” argument that people talk about is a little silly. There were enough twinks to make games not fun for non-twinks. However, even though there are good people who engage in the playstyle who only do want to fight other like people, there is absolutely no way to deny that the playstyle does not have an allure and attracts griefiers. These are the bottomfeeders who thrive off casuals and new players. These are the people who amount to nothing elsewhere in the game and without a huge advantage, would be worse than a pleb.
Those are the people who do not want to queue up now that they’re forced to fight fair fights. That’s why the queue times are so high, I honestly believe.
In defense, the Anti-Twink side was very much unaware or very unobservant to the actual imbalances, since the beginning of these BFA threads.
As long as Xpoff was separated, they seemed to be happy.
Which they are now, in bliss.
It was very easy for Activision to keep them happy, whereas Blizzard may have a more difficult issue with real balance adjustments for the actual players IMO.
Who was catered to as of last patch 8.1.5 within this separation?
Recently many have noticed 5 or more healers on the opposing faction. A healer cap existed to prevent that from happening. It was removed, likely due to not having enough subs left in this garbage game. If you participate in pvp at all you know how strong healers are.
So when one side has 5 healers and the other side has 1-2, the side with 5 pretty much has an autowin.
Twinks were removed on the premise that they made pvp to newcomers too difficult a barrier to overcome. Healers are much harder to take down than twinks were by a large degree. If you can not understand how that impacts win ratio then you are trolling.
WRONG. The fair fights existed before the separation. Now enjoy the people abusing the xp bug script running thru your team with no opposition at all. Do you consider that progress?