2 people disagree 2 people agree. Visibility to complain it needs a fix.
Fix the need for the kara neck BIS HR leaving group after 1 boss kill BS. However you want to, just please make a change.
The Dark Rider and Kharon will now have a chance to drop the neck of whatever Prisoner you did NOT select.
from @Zirene on X
Do you have a link to this?
Earlier this week we did Kaigy no neck drop but Kaigy neck off Kharon.
Link plz. I don’t have a Xter account.
" * Karazhan Crypts
- Added a chance for Kharon and the Dark Rider to drop the neck piece from the apprentice you did NOT unlock.
- Developers’ notes: For example, if you release Kaigy Maryla, Kharon now has a chance to drop Sairuh’s Collar, and the Dark Rider now has a chance to drop Barian’s Choker. We are aware you can summon the Dark Rider before releasing an apprentice. If this happens, the Dark Rider does not have an additional drop chance."
finally - we got something updated for this
the chance for them to drop though is abysmal. you have a better chance still to just kill your neck boss and bounce. its a shot in the dark if kharon or DR are going to drop a neck or an extra piece of loot. seemingly no rhyme or reason to why they drop more or how to get them. the issue is its all rng based and nobody wants to do this dungeon for their bis anymore. make necks a 100% drop on kharon and DR and be done with it.
why the lich dropped majority of our bis necks that we needed not even the named guy who drops it lol people really left after 1 boss XD
I don’t think you understand rng works…
Kara i did yesterday we got two necks from lich boss.
Rng can be rough but theres always hope.
Kara has become so beyond cringe where tanks will only invite caster dps because they want the neck then quit anyway ICANT
It’s a waste of time for everyone at this point. Like I want my bis so I don’t do Kaigy anymore just so I have a chance at the neck on Kharon and DR. Gives me a reason to stay for the whole thing. Still haven’t gotten it and still haven’t missed a lockout.
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