Fix the game blizz dafuq - great vault

Yeah definitely. I’m frustrated but I know no game is perfect. There’s gonna be bugs every new expansion and raising awareness of them is the best way to get it resolved. They are aware of it like you said but the solution seems like a time sink til they actually know the solution.

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Why the animosity? There is a key feature to this expansion not working and we have every right to be upset about it.

Apologies for the thread spam, but my loot reappeared after relogging several times. I guess their fix does work for some. Good luck yall.

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The constant entitled babyraging is obnoxious

So I take it you got loot from your Great Vault then? No one is “babyraging”. You are on some condescending high horse for no apparent reason. You might as well have not commented since you added zero substances to the conversation. No one cares to hear your negative bs. You’re just making it worse.

I had 4 options and 3 of them were cloaks lol


No, I got a useless ring. I’m just not going to whine about loot I got literally just for logging in.

Yes they are.

There is no substance to add to these spam complaint threads.

He says in a complaint thread.


I really hope whatever real world issues cause this kind of animosity for you get resolved. I see absolutely no reason for you to be here, other than you are intentionally causing negativity/trolling.

I’m doing great irl. It’s one of the reasons why I’m not whining about free loot in a game.

You’re doing so well you’re trolling people on the internet? Try that bs on someone else it doesn’t work with me.

Grow thicker skin, bud. Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t mean they’re trolling.

You’re just dumping on people in this post. Saying “good” to me saying “you’re just making it worse” is not trolling? You not only are a sad troll, but also pretty bad at it. Free loot in a game? Last time I checked I paid for the account and subscription. Feel free to continue trolling my guy, but don’t try and act like you’re not trolling. 0/8, seen better trolls in Twitch chat.

Yep. There’s been 500 of these threads just today, we didn’t need more.

Paying for a subscription does not mean you’re entitled anything in the game, lol. It’s paying for access to the servers. You knew what you paid for.

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I’m going to go make another one for you. Have a good day in your “good” life" where you troll people in your “good life”. kekw

Have a good day whining about free loot.

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This game has NEVER gone by what third party math deems your stats priority.

You know, this reminds me of a time…
there was a time…
back in the day when loot tables were something you could check out…
and vendors had token gear of a variety of sorts…
back in the day when you could plan your gear out and aim for what your looking for…

But I guess were beyond that. Because random gear for some reason is so much better according to the developers. Even in the “bad luck” proof Vault. Why would they spend so much time on things like the Vault to reduce bad luck when they could just go back to static stats on gear and tokens? Guess I’m an old antique.

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