Initializing phase gets stuck and bugged. There are years of forums complaining about the issue and offering solutions that may or may not work. While idiots argue about ISP’s and traceroutes.
The download speeds and reliability are unacceptable. Seriously, if the download speeds from a PAID SUBSCRIPTION server are so garbage, then please feel free to go fully back to 2005. Send me a disc. If you dont know what a CD is, it how you obtained games during the days when dial-up internet was modern and it produced the same speeds as Blizzard’s current servers. It might be unlikely you own a single CD as most manufactured computers dont offer cd drives as a standard feature. Maybe hire another company to do it for Blizzard? Oh I’m at 0 KB/s right now. And a sudden jump to 10 MB/s. OOo back to 2 KB/s for that last percent. Blizzard is drunk.
That box of my “Response Bingo Card” is always the first to go. I constantly monitor my ISP. More than they do, haha. You should have seen their techs trying to udnerstand packet loss when I was complaining about that last year. If it was my ISP, heck ya I would never post here. I ahve always wondered if in-game tickets help, but I do check to see if other players have similar issues.
When that happens I just restart my modem/router and restart my pc and it’s fixed if any other problems I reset my network ipconfig, so I would suggest that as a fix to see if it’s resolved. Generally I have found a restart is all that is needed.
Please explain why so many ISPs would throttle Blizzard randomly but not any other game client or any other download source? This ONLY happens with the Bnet app and it’s been happening for the better part of a year that I can remember. Anything EXCEPT the Bnet app will run full speed no problem from start to finish updating a game or the client but Bnet randomly throttles down to a few Kbps forever. Please provide technical details of this ISP throttling you claim.
Same issue. Sitting here with 450MBPS download no packet loss. Struggling to defeat the client boss. Pretty sad its been 30 mins and I’m downloading at 12KBPS.
Friend recommended opening your task manager and deleting all your Bnet tasks. Then closing and reopening as admin. This worked and my update finished at 8MBPS.
I’m not sure if this is related but here goes. Now when I open the Bnet launcher it gives me a popup asking if I want to use the latest version? The latest patch for Wrath classic is downloading extremely slow.
Like I just told someone else that was complaining about this non-issue:
Also, if you’re getting slow speeds on downloads, it’s likely due to those being time periods where the client is doing a lot of CPU/IO related tasks like reorganizing the contents of the pak files. (EDIT: or getting stuck in some broken loop due to the bnet agent having some kind of corruption that would be solved by doing the above troubleshooting)