Fix the Battle grounds or last subscription

Well, it looks it’s usual lovely shade of green?
Was there a cosmetic mishap?

Not sure some imaginary force had an issue with my speaking :crazy_face:. I know I’m a bit off but no reason to ruin okie dokie!

Maybe some troll doing that voodoos

It’s easy.

  1. Hide the AV instance number

  2. Add a 15min deserter debuff if you leave the queue after it poped.


Except they can queue as alliance with mercenary mode.


Ewe why that’s some nonsense why even have factions anymore


They have that in retail, it is confusing to me.

You will be missed.


Have no fear, i am not leaving :rofl:


#nochanges would mean an actual good version of av, the one that lasted for days, the one with REINFORCEMENTS. Please get rid of this garbage 1.12 version that everyone hated.


In the words of your fellow horde from phase 2, “reroll”. I believe they also said “go back to retail” a time or two.


It’s easy.

  1. Hide the AV instance number
  2. Add a 15min deserter debuff if you leave the queue after it poped.

But neither of these were in the 1.12 reference client or Vanilla WoW – Don’t think it would be a good idea to make these change.

Ok bye :v:

This game won’t be the same without you!!

Hue hue hue…well…BYE

It’s fine you can reroll. Or quit. Either is fine.

Oh juggaa…when I go into bgs I still quickly scroll through horde to see if you’re in there. :tent: :skull:

So people can actually play?

Snipelord that whole post is 100% to appease you and nobody else. You had your targets in P2, now we’re all in BGs with insta queues.
I don’t want you to have your cake, pie, muffins, candy canes, crumpets, flan, ice cream and root beer floats and eat it too.

Horde created their own worst nightmare.

This is what you get for mercilessly ganking lowbie Alliance or farming people going into dungeons or at FPs, causing them to quit.

Suck it up, buttercup. Your side caused the problem in the first place.


Would that not be terribly unhealthy?
Diabetic even?

Hey now everyone should have candy canes meanie