Fix The Actual Reporting Problem: Remove/Nerf the Squelching System

People are blind to this fact in GD. Currently, this problem mainly hits a group of people that many people consider to be bad, so they applaud this functionality. They dont stop to think what this system actually means and who it can hit as well.
An abusive system is all fine and dandy as long as its abusiveness doesnt hit me. Ignorance is bliss.


Can someone make a thread to appeal the appeal? Loving the peace and quiet with all the cheaters getting silenced =D


I think they should give boosters their own channel and if they advertise in other channels, they should get silenced.

Also no more advertisements in the group finder or account silence too

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Yup, just like “freedom of speech is everyone’s right until you say something I don’t agree with”. The same concept applies with this terrible system.

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It doesn’t need to be breaking the ‘boost advertisement rule’ to still be breaking the rules, since there are many other rules to take into consideration.

You’re right, we should go back to there being suspensions for chat instead including for using acronyms that could contain a curse word.

I will remind you, before silences… there was also automated suspensions. Food for thought. Further, online culture has shifted either way.

Also, back then do you remember the gold sellers spamming your channels? Weird those are actually missing currently.

Can be, depends on the server. :3

Well, if it happens again another GM may disagree with the previous GMs assessment. Human error is a thing, after all.

I used to think the same way until I actually started looking into the system and how easily it is to abuse. The squelch is a very bad system.


Not at all. Squelch is basically a temporary mute to prevent further disruption to the game until a gm can investigate.

They do have one, its called “trade chat” and being disruptive is against the tos, not what you are posting. Nothing stopping these guilds/groups from creating their own ingame boosting channel and adding those who want boosting to it.

Or don’t spam trade with ads.

Blizzard should be looking at this another way.

If certain people are constantly getting squelched for reasons that, technically, comply with the in-game rules and guidance… maybe Blizzard should be asking whether it has any place in Trade chat at all.

I think we all know what this is about and, yes, I report boosters for spamming as well. Because that’s what it is to me and always will be: spam.

A compromise Blizzard needs to consider is a “Services” channel that works like Trade. If I ever decide I need a boost, I know where to find you… and you can spam to your hearts content there. But now that I’m able to use Trade Chat again for the first time in forever, I’m not turning it off.

Ya, I think the automated systems need to go. They’re a problem. I just wanted this message to be out there as I see it’s being thoughtfully discussed here. It’s lazy moderating and it shouldn’t happen. Even one false report going through is too much. People take this game pretty seriously and being wrongfully penalized for nothing isn’t okay.


So you report boosters for doing exactly what Blizzard tells them they can do, because you don’t agree with it? Did I understand you correctly?

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No it should’nt be allowed in trade chat

You could always stop selling carries :man_shrugging:

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I have been getting these all day.

Picked up about 6 of them so far…
edit: 3 more came in…


It’s quite satisfying

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So you disagree that the channel designed to sell things must only be used to sell things you want? I dont have an issue with people boosting, i have an issue with advertising being disrupting while doing so. You see guild recruitment being spammed? report. You see someones professions ad being spammed? report it.

Do you believe little johnny can sell a level 35 green in trade chat? I sure do as long as it isnt spammed every 30 seconds.

Ah. So they encourage reporting.
also zero mention of any consequences for false reporting.

Makes sense now.

what was that motto?
“Abuse early, abuse often”?

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You do know that you don’t get those for False Reporting. Who says I am abusing it (except from a few of you chowderheads)? I never got an email, message or a timeout from Blizzard telling me to knock it off. Been doing this a for a while.

I think they should have a boosting channel and it isn’t trade chat