Fix spec/class balance pls im so done with it

getting flamed by bm hunter as top 10 RET NA when 2.4k cr meanwhile this hunter is top 60 is freaking cringe. Like these people who go 4-2 and leaving me 2-4 because my spec just cant do anything about it is stupid.

The real Mortalx is gone. Who are you? Is this some kind of sick joke?

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its crazy when warrior got buffed everyone rerolled and thought itll be as easy as frost mage or hunter but they just rerolled right off it after realizing how horrible it is playing warrior. now hunters (the ranged warriors) are infesting the ladder (bm) and have the same ego as DHs in dflight. i see NO survivals on ladder only BM. wheres my 100-0 aimed shot bros gone too btw i miss dying in a global

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hey you feel about hunters the same way most people feel about warriors
nerf warrior and hunter