Fix Siege of Dragonbane Keep Already!

Seriously, this event has been a constant source of frustration ever since the expansion began. The different phases constantly bug out, there are massive lag spikes in between phases, and there is absolutely no reason for it to happen only once every 2 hours if the event itself barely lasts 10 minutes! Also why does the minimap indicator for it stay for the entire hour and not go away when the event has been completed? The whole thing is just an insufferable mess!

If you’re going to force us to do these horrible events every week for the sparks at least make them more palatable and for the love of god, never make any more of them in the future (or if you do at least don’t make them mandatory)!


Since we are at the end of the expansion and these are required for the weekly quest, I feel the Keep should definitely be hourly. I have multiple alts, and am only able to do 2 per night. It’s just not enough time to get everyone done.

Right now, there is 50 minutes before the start of Dragonbane Keep… 50 minutes before the start of the Feast… 50 minutes before the start of the next Hunt. All starting at 10:00. The hunt at least has multiple events while it’s up, which is nice.


Blizzard can we please have this event every hour? It’s frustrating to miss it since the event ends so quickly


I haven’t really had any issues with it other than expected fps drops due to hundreds of players converging on a small location, but I do think that every 2 hours is excessive. It should be every hour on the hour.


They definitely should bring this up to the spec of the other map indicators that show up on the map to tell you when it’s going to start, not when it was finished.

The hunt as well.

The maps have always baffled me with how they seem to be collections of one off spaghetti solutions.


I timed it last night and it lasted exactly 3 minutes and 24 seconds, and there weren’t even that many people doing it because it was 11 pm. Then for the rest of that hour the NPCs just sit by the bunker and do nothing. Then everything resets and they teleport over to the starting area to “gather forces” for ANOTHER hour. Why!?? :man_facepalming:t2:

Then consider yourself lucky. Yesterday both the Siege and the Hunts were bugged. The siege equipment you have to click on for the first phase wasn’t showing up and bricked the entire event until it reset. Then the hunts weren’t giving credit for completion which has been an ongoing issue since the start of the expansion. I don’t necessarily mind doing these events but for the love of everything that is holy at least make sure they aren’t bugged and happen more frequently if you’re gonna force us to to do them over and over again!

My condolences to you.
I’ve never had an issue with Siege or hunts.

I really can’t be bothered doing those events anymore, so I just stand nearby (atop the final hut in siege and next to Tomul in hunts) until people complete it since I get credit AFK or not, unless its on really late off hours.

I despise you. :wink:
Not for your lack of participation but for giving me disgraceful gaming ideas that are not befitting my name.

Yuck, AFKers. Should help so they go by quicker for everyone involved.

Sieges are already done in 5 minutes, me joining or not makes a less than 10s difference.
Hunts I may or may not help depending on progress speed, but usually I don’t need to.

Forgot to add Superbloom too, get 25 bloom from moonkins, AFK near the end, watch for the final phase then kill the final NPC (killing her gives 25 bloom). Done.

I’ll stick to afking.

Superblooms (and Time Rifts) require participation to get the best rank / better rewards, and hunts have some awful stages with collecting things / saving animals, where participation would greatly reduce the time needed to complete. Afking and letting everyone else do the work is pretty lame.


Bump! Please let it be hourly! :grinning:

I did Siege of Dragonbane Keep event last night. Pretty comical actually. There were probably 200 players present.

Entire event took less than 2 minutes.

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The extra “better rewards” are laughably bad for all events.
And like I said, I may or may not join hunts depending on progress speed.
If I can get those done without touching them, you bet I will.
I have 13 characters to go through this, not doing them is a way to preserve my sanity.

Don’t blame the player, blame the game.

Both the hunts and the feast you can run 4 or more characters though every spawn of them - that siege is just terrible, it really needs to be put on an hourly timer when it is part of the big world content weekly.


The end boss drops like a fly with a decent sized group. Assume you just have to be in the area but barely made it in time to get a hit in. Would be very bad if getting a hit in is a requirement.

With a large enough raid, each phase after the frog escort can be ended in under 20 seconds. The exterior of the keep can be cleared out before the frog even arrives, aside from the mini bosses which will only spawn once the phases begin. Realistically, the entire thing can be done in less than 2 minutes, if not faster.

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I will be 100% honest, do what I do fly to the last building and park on top. When the final stage starts jump down and run it that will avoid all the phasing issues I think.

Does it feel ratlike, lazy even yes. But I’m getting it done

With the crowds as big as they are, no one will really notice or care. In fact, you probably aren’t alone in your approach.

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Definitely not alone lol, someone landed next to me yesterday and we whispered for a couple minutes til they go to us

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