Fix quest stalking the warrens
Go to the quest locations and there is nothing there not able to complete this quest i have dumped it and gotten it back multiple times.
Is the event up?
To do this quest, you have to do the event when it appears in the Warrens.
I have it still doesnt work.
You’re doing the Soul Eaters one, correct?
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
The pictured mob is just not there, despite being indicated as being there on the minimap.
The Hunt’s progression is stuck at:
1/1 <first mob>
0/1 Undying Soulbinder
It’s a little tough to complete the quest when a required quest mob is playing hide and go seek.
Looks like you might need to add your voice to the thread in Bug Reports.
Or the thread gets moved.
Yea we know i submitted a bug report like many others on this quest , phasing seems to be the main problem.
Send in reinforcements!
Lets go already!