Fix Priest Healers T3 set

Due to the “change” that made seal no longer apply to shields our T3 6P bonus is pretty much useless. They want us to move to a more heal based rather than shield based focus and I think thats fine. However our T3 6P should also reflect on that. Its bonus should be changed to something that will actually be used. It wouldnt be a problem if this was a 2P or 4P bonus but the 6P is literally useless feels bad.

Second thing is make binding heal proc the 4P. Zirene mentioned the devs had intended for it to NOT proc the 4P (but he would ask them) but that doesnt make any sense. Binding heal is meant to act as a flash heal in all circumstances. Not to mention since soulwarding was nerfed (rightfully so) we have to use binding heal but now theres a chance that it doesnt even proc the 4P. Which means both our 4P and 6P are not properly useable.

Would like the devs to make a change regarding this, I can somewhat understand 6P not being changed since were 5 days away, but at least change the 4P so binding heal can be used.

Have a good day.

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