FIX MMR its killing PVP

That’s because matches are made based off MMR and 1500 is beginner/starter mmr.

That still does not give an excuse for it to even be a thing to begin with.

People need some room to fall. Shoving everybody in at the literal bottom doesn’t work. MMR generally adjusts quickly enough that people move to where they need to be in a somewhat timely fashion.

And who’s fault was it to have an mmr system in the first place? any other system wouldn’t have reprocussions like that, but here we are. Lol/

I mean in League they’d throw people in placements into silver-gold games and they’d just die 15 times

Also having a dps going 0-6 benefits the other dps and partially why I think it’s easier to climb as dps.

and this could be avoided if ranked progression was tied to the player and the individual bracket, not the other people in the match, that is the current problem with the system, it being tied to not only you but other players in the match makes it a volatile experience, therefore not consistent. Not saying it has to be perfect but it could be way better. Solo progression is so much better than tied progression ( everyone in that match )

it is almost like blizzard just faces a wall and closes their eyes when it comes to fixing things istg lol

Progression is personal and based on match outcome.

If you’re suggesting “performance based” stuff then that’s something they’ve tried (it didn’t work).

yes that is what I meant, but not only just performance.

Adjustments being based solely off match outcome seem fine.

So fine that people in the awc uproared about mmr anyways. right?

That’s unrelated.

It is still of topic since the whole discussion was based about mmr anyways.

Yeah, sure, but it doesn’t have anything to do with initial placements or just the basics of how the system works. Top of the ladder last season might’ve been 3800 but people still started at 1500.

If there’s a particular bit you’re still perplexed about I can try to break it down.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: as if initial placements were an optimal choice anyways since people critique it.

Why not, instead, make the lower rating brackets more casual friendly, so players have time to actually get into rated & develop their skills before getting farmed by gladiators?

If more people played rated we wouldnt need inflated mmr, and flawed rating mechanics to help the same 0.0001% of the community who has been taking home gladiator and r1 titles the last decade.

Cause you know, this is acceptable in a game that we pay for on a SATURDAY AFTERNOON


Well, it’s absolutely warranted, and wonderful, that inflation begins so early this season; and I do hope it helps spread out the ladder a bit more so (for example) I don’t have to fight 2500 players at 1900 MMR.

I do, however, hope that Solo shuffle remains attractive; because it is clearly the most convenient and versatile bracket. For a uni student like me, it isn’t very possible to find people to play with nowadays. Granted, I don’t play much, and I usually RBG, and arena a bit with friends but neither were feasible participation-wise for me this XPAK anyway. Sure, time zones are to blame in my case but I think it should be just as possible to get the same rewards in every bracket, for the amount of effort one puts in. I understand if some brackets are eventually soft-capped, or rather, some offer more/attractive rewards (e.g. 3v3 Gladiator Mount). But I hope Solo remains a viable option.

TBH I just want to at least get my illusion (had the OG red enchant 9 years ago, still not fixed and can’t be redeemed). I’m benching my mainspec anyway due to exams coming up, been gearing using offspec and the MMR gains are absolutely nonexistent.

Eventually, I think the goal should be that each player can login, queue or group up, enter a match after a reasonably convenient amount of time and see progress and rewards for their time and improvement.

I also hope player incentivization will be further looked at,
especially for Healers

every solo q game has this lol.

idk what this screenshot is trying to say because my queues are 0-120 seconds on average

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You’d need to cast off the reliance on addons, make conquest easier to get outside of rated, and people would have to chill (like that’ll ever happen!). Not happening.

Glads and glad alts still have to do placements