FIX MMR its killing PVP

I feel like this might cause the conq catchup or echo of nyalotha issue where you have people intentionally deranking to farm out a high volume of wins on an alt.

Like, if every game at 900 mmr just becomes discs taking turns afking so they can collect their tokens for their main, and people who don’t do this end up sitting queues that are 10-20 minutes longer.

cap the tokens at 12 and make this offense perma bannable

Then it becomes a matter of detection which is tricky. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Ye, this might be fine then.

Kinda fried how this is the only pvp game with no in game replay system


Did they cobble something together for the AWC?

Or are they literally just playing back video?

Actually, now that I think about it, it’s all video. They never pause and shift their view when they discuss the game afterwards.

That’s just replaying footage rather than being able to go back and rewatch the game, like, in-game. In League I can always go back and even check other players points of view or whatever.

You can record your screen, though, which is decent. OBS or that one arenarecorder thing are good.

Which one are you talking about?

This one, I think, although I haven’t used it recently.

There’s also this…?

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Squadov was the best recorder I ever used with the best UI that gave details of the comp matchup and mmr and character that the was recorded. Blizzard needs to reach out to that guy and hire him to make an in game replay reviewer for wow

The app doesn’t work anymore since it’s discontinued due to the financial burden of Maintaining it being too high but there’s an offline version that might work

Yeah, lack of official support is kind of annoying. There’s not even a match history. :dracthyr_a1:

Blizzard never understands the weight of poorly designed systems because none of their developers even play the game anymore. Game Director hasn’t played since the beginning of Shadowlands. PvP has ALWAYS been a mess and they NEVER understand why it’s a mess. They never listen to the PvPers, they never listen to the PvEers, they never listen to the casuals who don’t care about high end PvP or PvE. They listen to this niche .01% that equals MAYBE 200 players total who do world first raiding or participate in the MDI. It’s been clear for 5 expansions now that Blizzard doesn’t care about playerbase that provides the income for the game to survive. Even the Trading Post that was a huge win for collectors, now they’re putting the currency on the shop because they just want to milk money from the players, not create engaging fun gameplay.

I…think it occurs because they see a drop in activity and go “what can we do that keeps people logging on”, and in recent years that has been the effectively infinite chore treadmill.

Wod was unstructured and kind of barebones which had a lot of people not knowing what to do.

Actual collectors are going bald over this because they can’t actually get everything, though, so I’m not sure I’d say that this is accurate.

It’s not that, it’s Activision. They changed their success metric from how many subs they had to “time spent in game”. If you make a good game with quality content you’ll have people playing the game. Instead they have to try and trick investors with nonsense like MAUs counting the same person as 4-5 log-ins, for example your PC, Laptop, Mobile App, Hearthstone Mobile are 4 different MAUs by the same person.

Actual collectors DON’T CARE because actual collectors know that we’ll eventually get everything.

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No need to beat me over the head with buzzwords. :dracthyr_a1:

No, not without monetization, potentially.

Wrong. There’s not an infinite amount of items on the trading post. There isn’t even many mounts/pets left that we already haven’t gotten. This data is already in the game files and viewable on simplearmory.

Except that they could just keep adding stuff each month forever, and the currency is limited.

Yet they won’t. Blizzard isn’t known for maintaining systems. Look at Allied Races which was spouted as “an easier way for us to make new races”. Completely abandoned. Use your brain and stop action delusional.

My prediction is that they’ll allow for people to complete more monthly activities but at some cost, be it gold or balance (I guess they’re kind of tied).

I liked the idea of lower budget races in higher quantities. Kind of funny how the lower effort (blueberry elves) were probably the most successful whereas the highest production value (kul’tiran) flopped. :dracthyr_crylaugh: At least we got the best and only race that matters (Vulpera).


I still don’t understand why they still use this old boomer mmr system when there is way better ranking systems out there in other games that arent tied to an average or anything. there are some systems out there that you get points for ranked based on YOUR performance in the match and your respective bracket and is not tied averages off everyones mmr in the match, so pacing is consistent and forgiving in early brackets/ ranks but the higher ranks are not a push over either with more punishing penalties based on losses. It is almost like the developers are too stubborn to do anything that would at least engage players to pvp more without being a inconsistent joke even in 1400 i seen returning glad players like I guess this is how small the pvp circle truly is if we are getting the same glads from like tbc and other seasons constantly and no new players into it. Thank god for having mythics and raids, that has been my bread and butter recently. much more enjoyable even for someone who primarily pvps here and other alts this is just a drag although I will throw a bone and I do think gear progression in pvp is at it’s peak it is pretty darn good they nailed that but… At this point they are band-aiding the asked about issue instead of a needed rehaul. as much as you all want to say it works as intended, it is damaging and a problem that always gets brought to attention regardless of whom is complaining about it. The problem is consistent. Blows my mind that a mobile call of duty game has a much more basic and approachable ranking system then a game that has been around for years.

and not to mention you could be at 1500+ and magically get 0-500cr players( and that is not even the players fault or something they did on purpose, it is just how the garbage system is ) This can be totally avoided if they actually knew what they are doing but newsflash, they have no idea what they are doing.