Fix mage tower

The scaling in this thing is WILD, blizzard you need to get your act together and fix this nonsense, just let me blast through this without having to spend thousands of gold buying old gear swapping enchants and gems. Give me a break. Literally being punished for not doing this when it was relevant. Tired of watching people blast through because they spend hundreds upon thousands of gold to buy old gear, gems, enchants. Just let me take my toon who I have spent time and energy gearing in the current content and enjoy this challenge.


With the timewalking changes, you no longer need to purchase old gear… This was part of the changes they made, your current gear should be more viable.

Here’s the wowhead link to the Bluepost.

Yea unfortunately its doesn’t as well as they want you to believe, because I was using older food and pots and scaling better than the current stuff. But I understand where they are going with it, I just think that they need to look a little further into it.

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Most of the mage tower challenges are based more on execution than raw damage. Just play better

Disagreeing here. I did some challenges in Legion [Post-Nerf], and while they were difficult, they felt fair. I couldn’t complete all of them back then, but in DF, I had the chance to try again [The achievement reset]. Although it felt harder, it still seemed possible.

I had to move from Europe to America [I move a lot for work].

I tried doing them in TWW, and Krul took me almost 300 attempts with every possible consumable, not to mention the Healer challenge, which was hard. But now, is Insane, after 270 attempts, I still can’t beat it, feels broken somehow.

Let me give you a few tips:

  1. Try leaving only one Infernal alive at the end of the first phase.

  2. Check out the consumable guides on YouTube, just the reventa guides look for 11.0.5

  3. It’s incredibly tough, but with every attempt, you’ll improve.

And yes, it’s unbalanced. Be ready to suffer, I trust on u, keep trying

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Druid was harder since it was originally completely free with extra thrash range being able to outrange the boss mechanic in phase 1. What took me over 300+ attempts on prot warrior I did in like 3 when it returned. I did fury warrior in 1. Returned mage tower in general was a lot easier than it was originally.

Did you try doing them in TWW? In SL and towards the end of DF, I found them easier.

Also, if you did them before the nerf in Legion, it was much, much harder that’s exactly why they nerfed it (never forget Asmongold banging his head against the keyboard lol)