Fix M Eonar yet?

Does anyone know if M Eonar has been fixed yet in Antorus? is it soloable yet? :frowning_face:


Realistically, no. They also messed up M KJ making him harder than he was before lmao.

Sad. I want the belt transmog to finish my set on my hunter but nope…

I solo it every week you only need to go in ship once

According to Wowhead, Eonar was fixed.

And so was KJ.

I did Eonar last night with 2 of us going up. Didn’t seem impossible for one person if you have enough speed boosts.

I am aware of the changes they made. They actually made him more difficult. They bugged his darkness phase making it far more difficult than it was before. They essentially gave him a buff. He was far easier to do before they “fixed him”.