Fix Layering in PVP

layering on a pvp server is bad

what’s the deal with airline layering?

layering really sucks :nauseated_face:

layering is such an issue. I hope Blizzard can fix. Took so much time only to not even get everyone on the same layer

We had so many issues with layering tonight :frowning:

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Had an EPIC WPVP event going but lost out on some of the fun because of people phasing in and out of different layers, cmon blizz

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i should never be in an open world raid on a layer and get booted off, that goes against the core principle of the existence of the pvp realm

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Hello Blizzard, Hello Mike Fathom

I am once again requesting a layering rework for nightslayer. It is 7:57 PM on Thursday, January 9th.

My wife and me are expecting a child soon

I dont want him to grow up on a different layer than me :frowning: please fix this blizzard, think of the children

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Just wait till tbc releases again the 1 pvp server is going to be a clusterf
k, theyll have to add servers

I don’t intend to play TBC. I prefer only vanilla. The best part about vanilla is the open world, but layering makes it very lame. I agree with the faction lock, but what is the point if every layer is 90% dominated by one faction or the other.

Layering does not, and never has, fit vanilla. It was designed with old school MMORPGs in mind like Everquest where contesting mobs and materials in the open world is apart of the game.

Either tone deaf developers or out of touch corporate. Don’t know which.

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Add your thoughts to the official thread on it

Layering still bad, pls delete

BUMP! This is still an issue, please Blizzard, this thread is not going to die. We need layering to come to an end.

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