The new layering system is not working for the world pvp community. Here is an example, on Nightslayer pvp realm both Horde and Alliance formed up for a server event we had planned all week. We made flyers, videos, and rallied the community together for a hillsbrad world pvp event. Well, both sides formed up and when we got there both sides were layered and the clash never happened.
We have also tried responding to town defense, for example 80 horde at redridge. However, when we form up to respond we are layered from them.
Nightslayer is not like typical pvp servers. This server embodies community events, rivalries, and an interactive player base dedicated to world pvp fights. This is exactly how an mmorpg pvp server is supposed to be. Well, the current layering system is ruining much of that aspect that thousands of us love. Blizzard, there has to be a solution. Please take into consideration the reason we all love classic wow and fix layering.
Layering is a disgrace to the very IDEA of an MMORPG. Get rid of it.
Blizzard snuck in sharding and hoped we wouldn’t notice.
Any world pvp bigger than a party is literally unfeasable. WE WANT BIG FIGHTS BLIZZARD! Its a pvp server and we cant even pvp.
Layering is a disgrace to the very IDEA of an MMORPG. Get rid of it.
An idea from radiantjoy,
“If Blizz could just create an option for a “War Layer”, it would solve everything. Like, a layer that you could select to Que into that doesn’t have “faction balance” crap.”
Layers as they were pitched in 2019 wouldn’t act like this. They gave us shards like retail and they know we’re too fatigued to fight back like we did in 2019.
Anything that removes a horde from an alliance char takes away from pvp. We are on a pvp server lets do things that give us pvp.
LAYERING SUCKS. IT KILLS MY IMMERSION. I want to play and PvP with my alliance buddies against the horde. We cant do that if layering is a thing, it needs to go. I would understand it more if it was only on PVE servers, but a PvP server is NOT the place for it. Optionally, instead of getting rid of it completely, perhaps allow layers to be selected or just have one additional layer that’s able to be selected so people can play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing as multi raids.
OG WoW didnt have it. It was enacted in 2019. please, please change this.
Also, a great idea!! Opt IN to massive WPvP options. so everyone who wanted to could participate and those unwilling are totally unaffected!
yes what we need a solution to the layering issue we had both horde and alliance guilds agree to pvp but couldnt because of layering issues on both sides its a PVP server period and just want to be able to PVP there isnt even battlegrounds in the game yet please blizzard give us some options here
Has to be a better solution!
Please fix the layering Blizzard. We know you have GMs watching these events and that you have seen exactly how your “test” went. Layering on a PvP server such as Nightslayer simply does not work in its current format. A WPVP layer that you can opt into is one possible solution. If you do not select the WPVP layer the layering could function exactly as it has been for anyone that does not want to be on the “WPvP layer” (that would be specifically designed to handle large scale battles.) WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO HAVE 500 v 500 clashes (or larger) and make WOW history. Our goals seem impossible with the current state of your PvP layering.
classic aint classic with this layering
As far as blizzard is concerned there is no problem. They gave us what they always wanted: shards and no noticed until it was too late.
FIX IT PLEASE this is a good idea