She says halo isn’t getting diminished healing past 6 targets, lol. I checked logs and it’s true. The entire raid was getting healed for 100k every halo. That’s absolutely insane.
Can’t wait until it’s fixed then I won’t have to worry about coming in second place again on my holy pally! hahahahaha
But at the same time i love it because it helps our aoe healing!
Issue is look at priest healing. If you nerfed halo, depending on how bad, we would basically be in such a bad state that we wouldnt be taken to raids. As it is we have to fiiiight to keep up with pretty much every other spec. If halo gets nerfed we would need significant buffs elsewhere
If Blizz has time to tweak Halo (which is the entirety of the effort they put into Archon), they should first take a serious look at rdruid. I don’t know who they put in charge of that spec but it’s gotten weird with the spammable treeants.
How hard is it to design a HoT-based healing spec with burst potential in Tree of Life? Somehow they felt the need to throw in pets like they’re a demonology warlock or something.
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Then you’ll really love Mythic week when your healing remains untouched and she loses 50% healing output on all of her Raid-Wide abilities.
Holy is in need of a buff, not a nerf at the moment. It will be very low on the meters in Mythic for bringing almost nothing to the table. As a pure HPS healer it should be near the top, and it certainly won’t be.
Class balance is tuned around Mythic. Not heroic. Heroic doesn’t matter.
This all day. Halo is the only reason I am semi decent in raid. The healing/dps from it is super wonky. Holy feel so weird this expansion.