Fix Goldmaking, Professions, Regionwide AH

In TWW, crafting knowledge is going to be tied to NPC work orders that respawn twice a week. If you’re behind, you’ll see more orders to catch up to within a few point. It’s a much better system imo.

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That sounds awful.

Lowering the time requirement to keep a crafter “current”, just means everyone has everything covered with alts. Which creates race to the bottom crafting.

Made even worse when they have catch ups that don’t even retain a time gate. Here’s hoping there’s at least a transmute to make gold with.

Please make patterns and recipes region-wide. It’s ridiculous that a recipe can be 2,000 on a busy realm and 2 million on a low-pop realm.

Just… buy it on the busy realm? And move it to your main one?

Then it costs 600k gold to buy the transfer and move the 2000g item. I’m sure that’s great for token sellers, but geesh.

Wh-- you realize that you’ll be able to use the warband bank to transfer that 2k recipe without having to transfer a character, right?

You could also get a friend that you really trust, trade the recipe to them, then have them trade the recipe to you… except blizzard’s disabled cross-realm trading right now cause prepatch broke something with it.

Yes! I’m so happy about this. I blew so much gold moving recipes in DF. Everything was 300k on my tiny servrer and it was like 1500g on busy servers. I was a ble to recover some of the gold by bringing extra recipes but it was a pita.

you could also have traded gold with bnet friends across servers to buy cheaper recipies