Fix female kul tirans

Boy I wish female kul tirans looked more like the female maldraxxi gladiators. It’s the same skeleton in the model, but these just look so much better.

I’m sure they don’t feel much compulsion to make female kul tirans look better given so few people play them. But maybe more people would play them if they looked better! Their proportions look so janky. Their arms and hands are tiny compared to the rest of them. It makes them look weak, unlike the male KTs. And blizz seemingly tried to hide this by making their shoulder armor ludicrously oversized and ill-fitting. But the massive empty space beneath them and the clipping into their head armor just gives the game away.


I feel like this is their reasoning for neglecting several of the lesser-played races, but I agree that they should actually make those races more desirable to play, instead of abandoning them and churning out more elf customization.

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Eh, sadly general rule of wow is that npcs look better than the playable characters. They get all kinds of great animations. Clothes. Beards. Eyebrows. Different body types. We consistently get jack squat in comparison.

I think what they REALLY need to do is commit to copying the character creation method they’re using for dracthyr onto other races but slightly different depending on the race. Like kul tirans really should get some kind of fat control per body type. It’s not tooo bad? But it’s kinda noticeable when I want to wear tight transmogs as a girl and she just looks like a stuffed sausage comic book store nerd. Totally keeps me away from the race. No offense though, not fat shaming. Its just in comparison to my tauren, like. Come on lol. I wanted to be a mini vrykul, not female hagrid with extremely limited customization options. Just gonna go with tauren lol.

Pfft. I said it’s not to bad. That was a mistake. No its bad. If any one race desperately needs body types, its kul tirans.


I was disappointed with kul tirans because I expected them to both be grisly so they’d be distinctive from humans, but the women are just soft humans.


idk why they dont implement these different body types as an option. stance/posture w.e you want to call them :unamused:


Blizzard doenst know how to treat women so they just decided to get rid of them and gave us body options instead.

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I absolutely love Kul Tirans…………. In druid form.

That gut in males was just such a bad decision. Just give us a slider or options for the gut. I just can’t understand why they don’t do this.

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I remember a big post about giving KT’s different body types and there were people actually threatening to incite twitter riots because doing so would mean Blizz is being fat phobic.

I wish I was making this up.

Especially since Kul’tirans can canonically be other body types, only the sailors and front line soldiers have strong man sailor bodies; Mages, Rogues, etc should be thinner.

In fact this makes sense for most: Hunters, Rogues, Mages, Warlocks, etc of playable races.

Because it’d be work/money, and the company is cheap/lazy.

I don’t mind that their bodies are round and soft looking. It’s the face that destroys it for me. They look bad.

I’m a big woman myself, I wanted to play one. Lol but they looks like angry Ursula.


I really like the way they look now.
If i were to play female characters, that would be the one i would choose.

Um, CHUD??? did you just commit a heckin fat shaming?!

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“Female Hagrid” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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