Fix Door of Shadows

If I can jump disengage somewhere, I should be able to use Door of Shadows to get there also. The ability tutorial literally has us porting through a wall and now we can’t use it to go over gaps? Those rooms in Torghast with chains you can climb up after you let them down? There’s absolutely no reason for Door of Shadows not to work there. I can jump disengage. Let me port.


It’s a bit of a gimmick sadly. Oh well tis life. :grin:

I have to experiment on a ton of ledges before I get one it works on. Forget about anything in dungeons, I just try double jumping instead and I get more luck with jump and glide.

i agree, it feels very limited by pathing. how does a mage blink work with gaps? is it the same coding?

I think so, that might be why it says ‘unable to find path’

Does seem to work better than it, some ledges I can port to which mages can’t do.

I wish.

i remember in BC, warriors charging up ledges (Al’ar room) also being very bad. under the world you go!

i dont know if DoS is intended this way, it might just be the blink coding trying to follow a straight line loyal to z-axis.

It might be, but it doesn’t make sense for what it’s supposed to be. The only limitations should be range and line of sight.

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Yeah, how limited door of shadows is in Torghast and out in the world in general feels intended and that is a shame. I’ve gotten so many error messages that I’ve almost stopped using it anywhere.

Though that goes for most of the general use covenant abilities. Flesh craft is the only one I actually use consistently. All of the general use ones could use a tune up now that I’m thinking about them all.

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with its current form, and cast time, and time to cursor to a good spot, it’s faster to charger to destination. i use it but rarely.

Door of Shadows follow the same restrictions as any other targeted movement skills (Heroic Leap, Infernal Leap, Demonic Gateway): there needs to be a direct, in-range, path to the target.

Charge works the same way, but with a NPC coordinate as the target instead of whatever you choose.

Blink (and most likely the Night Fae ability) is completely different. It traces a straight line, limit 20y, in front of the caster until the first obstacle is hit. If it finds a gap, it will stop you at the edge, but it won’t cross that gap. It will never give a “Path not available” error.

The reasons for the limitations are pretty obvious: They don’t want you to access some parts of the game. Especially in instances now, and in the world pre-flying.

IMHO, Door of Shadows only needs to be 40y and 1s cast to be great.
As it is, it’s meh/good.

As for the other covenant abilities, they are all great.

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i’d prefer it .5sec cast instead.

i’m ret. i dont have castbars unless things are going badly and i’m self-healing with flash of light. it feels mechanically awkward to have a 1sec cast.

It’d rather have it be instant, but it would be mandatory in some scenarios, and extremely strong in PvP.

I remember the days where Hammer of Wrath had that 0.5 cast.

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Remember back in alpha when DoS could be usable on pretty much everywhere?

Streamers went like “yeah, door of shadows is OP it will be totally nerfed”


Happened… a free blink to transform then on top a blazing 50% ms with a blink every 4 seconds for 12 seconds that got a “free” pass somehow :thinking:

Then DoS got “changed” to respect LoS physics… and now DoS is niche.

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Can Heroic Leap be used in the Torghast area I mentioned in the OP? I feel like it could be but I haven’t been able to test it on my warrior yet.

Heroic Leap doesn’t work on those balconies in Torghast either, something got broken in the code apparently. Also doesn’t work on the precarious ledges they like to hide power urns on… :expressionless:

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That’s strange. I feel like it should work if there’s nothing in the way. Like, what makes it different from disengage?

IDK, it just keeps saying ‘no path available.’

Seriously Blizzard, revert the pathing change you made to DoS. I get that it might be a pvp thing you did it, but come on. I’m sure you’d be able to keep the nerf in BG or Arena, and let us have the original Door of Shadows in PvE content.


If Warlocks can use their gateways, Door of Shadows should work there too. And make it instant cast to actually make it useful. Hell, increase the CD if need be, but as it is, I don’t even remember I have it 99% of the time.


For real, it’s 10x worse than when I made this thread. It doesn’t work anywhere now, unless there’s already a path to walk there. What’s even the point? I’m glad I did the Larion mount thing in Bastion before they made this stupid change.

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