Fix Battleground Role Matchmaking

Who got the paint out?

Since this guy thinks Blizzard should do something about this, here’s my suggestion.

Remove the ability to cancel a popped queue, just like arena. The game auto accepts after 1 min.

Great fix, right?


just limit both teams to two healers maxed. There you go, problem solved. It’s not difficult.

2 for 10 man 3 for 15 man. 1 healer per 5 dps sounds fair.

If instant queues for healers and increased queues for DPS works for you, I’m all for it.

Sounds good to me.

Is that the same patch they added bots to bgs?

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When was your first sighting?

I honestly can’t remember, I do remember the scripted they said was something about probing ST.

It’s much, much less of an issue at 120 in the 10/15 man BGs. Epics can get skewed but at least healers appear to be considered in the algorithm, defaulting to DPS only where healers are unavailable.

Pre-120 on the other hand is a lawless wasteland in which one team can have zero healers against a team with seven in a 15 man BG. It sounds like hyperbole but it isn’t. Last I heard, everyone who queued as multiple roles always zoned in as a healer if selected, even when that player’s team already had more healers in the instance.

Hopefully reducing the number of brackets with the level squish will allow for proper matchmaking to make a comeback without completely disrupting queue times. That’s assuming brackets are actually halved, or course.

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Currently we are looking at 10-19 (BFA 20-44) 20-29 (BFA 45-79) etc.
Imagine a BFA 45 fighting against a BFA 79.
Scaling with very similar gearing options within the bracket seems to be the system in place.
Abilities and Spell differences within each bracket may be the only main noticeable difference.
Opening the brackets up for everyone will allow queue times to be unaffected by correct matchmaking again.