Fix AB Solo queue

Simple. Fix the AB solo queue.

It shouldnt take 50min solo and 20min in a group.

Fix the damne queues.

Make horde vs horde in classic bg because this is madness.


I would settle for them allowing us to queue for BG’s anywhere.

It would be a lot more tolerable if I was able to bang out some quests, farming, whatever while waiting.

From a design philosophy, I don’t really understand why it was made this way in the first place. If you were only able to queue from the area’s the BG are located in within the world, I could see the argument for immersion. But, you can queue for any BG from home cities, so there goes that logic.


Stop telling the one guy captured and tied up in activisions basement to fix things. Clearly they have problems of their own.


Yeah that would be good !!.

Now back to my AB queue.

Im 1 hour 30 minute in the queue and I literally see AB going down and going up for 30min.

Im literally testing this…

And It’s obvious the AB queue is broken …

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Nah, I’d accept it if they let you guys join the Alliance queue to even things out a bit, but the fix here should not be to just completely sideline an entire faction so that the other faction can fight itself lmao.

They should let you guys choose to go Mercenary Mode and join our queue. Otherwise, leave it as is. Alliance gets instant queues and never wins, Horde gets 60 min queues and never loses.

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I just lost a Wsg.

The way alliance just gaslight everything by saying they never win is such bull***

You mean how it was when they introduced BGs in 2005? I agree, sort of. They should just eliminate all battlegrounds completely. If they have to have them, yes, you should have to go to where the BG is located to enter.

They did fix it. They gave ppl the q system they asked for with the start of p2

Longer solo q times is a product of more groups flooding the q then solos, just as full premades are less than 5 mans. Both solo and full must wait

It isn’t actually broken, it is the literal TBC bg algorithm. Everyone thought it would make it a solo q paradise and the people’s actions prove otherwise.

Revert the change is the best thing you can do

It sucks, but it was known this would happen when they separated the ques.

I blame the Alliance.

They won’t make any changes unless a problem directly affects the alliance too. Thats how retail got the mercenary system.

Stop giving so much preferential treatment to premades. It was weighed well for a week, then Blizz tweaked it more in favor of premades getting instantly in. This is game killing. I’m waiting over an hour, watching premades come and go from their games.


this woulve been better than the guild UI effort that was made.

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Yes, this would at least allow me to do something other than stand in a room waiting.

Every time i see you i love you more and more

They did not. People asked for solo queuers to only face other solo queuers. Aggrend refused and changed the weighting a bit. He knew no one would want to play in premades if they didn’t have solo pugs to stomp, so he just gave them massively preferential queue times. No one asked for this.

Solo queuers only playing each other is what was asked for.

Remove racials or make them general or cosmetic and allow Alliance to have Shamans and Horde to have pallys.

That will fix the queue issues, such a easy fix yet for some reason easy is hard for 95% of the population today.

A lot of things they could do. Merc system would work.
Just fix it, blizz. This is unplayable.

No don’t fix it, ill get my rep from AV. Enjoy your 30-50 min queues horde