Five mans are getting 0 XP in dungeons

Me and 4 friends are leveling toons in Normal dungeons, 4 of 5 of us are on alts, the fifth is leveling his first TWW character.

Earlier I did a M0 and had a random Experience Eliminated debuff and din’t think much of it cause we were all 80, but noted that it was strange.

Now, me and 4 others who I have now confirmed do not have XP turned off in Stormwind cannot finish leveling our toons, even after the debuff faded (which initially only read as a five minute duration).

This is particularly toxic for our friend who is now locked at 78 on his first TWW toon.



Was trying to help a guildie level his toon and now 3 80’s as well as the level 77 all have this Debuff. randomly.
this doesn’t affect us 80s but how is our lvl 77 guildie supposed to finish leveling?
also confirmed no one has ever turned off exp in stormwind either.

Way to go Blizz.

I just want to clarify. Are you saying that none of you are getting xp in TWW normal leveling dungeons anymore? I had a character leveling in dungeons yesterday and didn’t see this. I suggest putting in a ticket, too.

I can confirm, I just did 2 dungeons and both times i got a 5 min debuff that would reapply instantly as soon as it fell off while in a dungeon. while this debuff was up, i gained 0 exp

Confirmed on my end as well. Any premade group seems to be getting this debuff when entering queued dungeons. We were running a 4 stack. The pug did not get the debuff.

How has this been going for apparently a couple days now (presumably the whole week at that point) without getting caught and emergency hotfixed?

Friends and I also attempted an M0, had the 5min ((refreshing)) experience eliminated debuff…
one friend swapped to a non-80, we did a normal dungeon, and they still had experience eliminated the entire dungeon run. Saw this debuff yesterday in m0’s but i’m 80, didn’t think too much on it. but doing normals with sub 80’s… definitely seeing it on some players and not others in random parties.

That’s what I said, it’s still happening
Our friend who was leveling his first character, his xp never came back.
He is logged out in Dornogal straight up unable to gain mob xp and quests are giving him like 65 xp each (in the world, not in the dungeon).

So he quit.