I feel like Blizzard is showering us with love. Not only is ancient teachings now baseline, But we now have jadefire teachings or an upgraded rising sun kick to take it’s place in a choice node. This is ontop of the spectacular buff given to master of harmony hero class already. Fistweavers are now likely going to be in the best spot they have ever been. This is very exciting. Fistweaver was already pretty good this expansion but it’s about to get a lot better.
What do we get to pick from? an extra 140% healing off of our damage when we cast jade fire stomp or thunder focus tea (pretty much 100% uptime) Or a new AOE version of rising sun kick.
The buffs are estimated to be 1% ish to ST, and 3%-5% aoe.
Expected Class Tuning Changes with Patch 11.0.5 - Class Writer Opinions - Wowhead News
Frontal Cone RSK is really cool in theory, but it should be in the class tree tbh.
BTW: AT being baseline also helps non Jadefire Stomp monks when they do damage and rsk on CD for the free chi harmony ren mist, so some of these changes aren’t really just specific buffs to “Fistweaving”.
Small buffs. Wish they would have gone further though.
What u mean now?
All of DF fistweavers were super good.
I am hapoy to get back into it though, but if tanks are still slow to fill, I may just stick with brew
It’s been your time for quite a while, actually.
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I’m feeling like Raiden from Mortal Kombat ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zPpkFhHtN2rcRyA3#fight=last&type=damage-done
It’s seriously some nice damage and heal imo, look at this log ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zPpkFhHtN2rcRyA3#fight=7&type=damage-done
Still kinda clunky the harmony mechanic, but synergizes nice with the new CJT.
It is not about numbers it is about how everything comes together and spec just works well it is fun to play there is synergy even when you cant get into range of adds due to puddles or mechanics you can still do good healing with mistweaving as fistweaver.
If you could snipe all OP talents in a single build, it would kill off any variety. The RSK cleave is meant for raid FW builds that literally only press RSK for rising mist, so they don’t have to constantly make sure they stay in melee range just for this.
Hey OP i noticed you are using gruesome syringe, how much uptime do you get on intellect stacks if any during runs .Icy veins was labeling it as C tier trinket i got my hands on it but my monk gear is not all that good (602 ) to be able to dich passive int trink over something that may have low uptime.
This existed already before the patch went out, MW has been the most " fun " healer in a very long time, regardless of the shortcomings and under tuning . Most of the class synergies exist even when you don’t take JFS.
JFS build issue only. We could already put out “great” healing if you swap some talents around, and melee denial only hurts JFS builds, the trade off is a bit less damage. You actively gimp your healing to buff your pitiful damage, which is nice in high keys when you have a group that plays near perfect, but that group is better off with R sham or Disc priests before MW monks. So no one in their right mind right now would take MW to the highest keys anyways even for damage reasons. There isnt much point to gimp your healing for a bit more damage that doesn’t matter much till extremely high keys that we cant do anyways.
Uh oh. Dont tell JFS users this. They get antsy and cry when they can’t stay in melee 100% of the time /s.
Just checked and the raid ( and m+ ) builds are still the same, using Jadefire Teachings instead of the ranged kick. The Peak discord didn’t have much to say about it either, not many people running it. Apparently if you run mastery/Chiji you still dont take it. PVP MW seem to like it a bit because they can proc various effects from a distance now.
If it’s such a great talent then why is no one really using it?
You want to talk about killing off variety too but there really isnt any variety in the eyes of the MW community or Devs to begin with. Most just blindly follow what a few people tell them to and blizz sucks at balancing/tuning things so they are interesting choices that compete.
If devs or anyone cared about variety that went out the window long ago. The class gameplay hasn’t changed much in a very long time, that is especially so with JFS builds.
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You mean Caster builds? Because that’s not what a FW is.
Either way, the talent is cool, but I don’t hear anyone talk about it.
There might be some use in Arena or BGs tho. I may mess with it when I have free time there.
I’m not gonna get drawn into this argument about the MW literature sources because my opinion on them is entirely negative to put it mildly.
If you check warcraftlogs it shows what people actually play, and while the majority indeed follows the “suggested” builds, or whatever we’ll call them, they’re not the only ones that work.
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There’s a bug where Rushing wind kick + tea of plenty gives infinite TFT charges. So u can spam RWK forever lol. This is why you are seeing it on logs right now.
Once this is fixed I doubt anyone will be running RWK in any build.