I’ve finally had the free time to sit down and test the new changes coming for Mistweaver, specifically for Fistweaving, and I have to say I’m actually impressed with how it turned out.
- Blackout Kick damage increased by 75%.
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane now causes 3 Gust of Mists per target (was 1), but only activates once per Blackout Kick and Rushing Wind Kick cast.
^ These two changes alone make a substantial difference.
And now, Jade Bond no longer grants CDR based on GoM’s. Rather, it makes the cooldown a bit stronger.
So now, there’s no longer this Feast or Famine gameplay that was dependent on 2+ enemies for high value, as well as no more Jade Bond CDR minmax (Sad to see this go though. It was fun.)
In my testing on the PTR, it felt pretty good, specifically in Raid. It felt like I almost always had something ready, which currently I do not.
The one thing I’ll mention is that the new Jade Bond is incredibly overkill if you’re running full Haste/Mast, unless there’s a specific mechanic that lasts 25s you want to heal through. I personally see GotC being used much more often for Haste/Mast gear, and Jade Bond for those inbetween or for very specific mechanics (More so Raid bosses than anything.)
Now, for PvP, I haven’t had the chance to test much, but based on all the changes on paprer, I can already see it’ll be good going into 11.1.
Currently, I’m pleased with the result. Interested to see what they do next.
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Cool can’t wait for it to be on live. Glad single target won’t feel as much like a mythic raid boss in m+ too. Was very concerned with Theater of Pain.
People are talking about MW being meta next season but ptr speculation is dubious and could change later. But from what I’ve read it seems like mw just got their single target fixed, right, and that a lot of the other healers got nerfed into the ground. Kinda doesn’t feel quite good to me to fail upwards after a season of healers/tanks complaining that healers are too weak and dependent on dps being 500 IQ or a prot paladin to fix the missed/overlapped kicks. Like it doesn’t feel like it’s enough to just be a good healer. Ptr m+ feel like that still? They tone down the tank busters and curses and all that?
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To me it seems the changes to Jade Bond are meant to address some of the ramp time discussions we were having in recent weeks.
Several people commenting about how it was tedious to ramp REM / Chi Harmony and now celestial does exactly that.
I actually really like the idea but I’d like to see Gift of the Celestials have a smaller ramp like 2-3 evms otherwise it’s just underpowered compared to Jade Bond.
As for normalizing our healing from damage regardless of target count, this is great, but I am concerned about the damage coefficient on Crackling Jade lightning and Jade Empowerment.
Why not just buff the baseline damage by 300% so that it does small damage and then Jade Empowerment is just 1000% (still a crazy modifier) but less strange as as 3000% modifier.
This would make CJL viable for fistweavers to do small triage healing through ATOTM when unable to be in melee (which there are a few bosses it’s easier to sit outside melee due to mechanics)
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And buff flight of the red crane so that the healing from using Dance of Chi-Ji instead of JE actually works in single target for healing. They just buffed spinning’s damage by 30% last I read. But with no cleave targets the healing is meager from damage conversion and lucky if get one flight proc when utilizing dance.
MW was badly in need of some QoL… but a buff is better than a nerf and this is a pretty substantial buff across the board.
The devs are still clueless but at least they’re clueless in our favor for once.