Fistweaver are taking over next week

I’m sure everyone would rather have fistweaver than holy be meta


Thank you, Blizz !


why? whats changing?

Well you’d be wrong lol fistweaving is toxic


Personally I think in general MW monk is horrible design for arena.

It’s perfect conditions are either…

A three man melee deathball that locks into a caster and run’s it down with its two melee partners.

Or a sleeper double caster dampening match. Standing 40 yards away just statue healing his fellow casters and only occasionally rolling to leg sweep.

Both of which are obnoxious gameplay for the other team and a vast majority of players.

It doesn’t play ANY style of setup comps well and every comp it plays is just them trying to do a PvE fest.

Unfun class design.


fw and caster got buffed, so fw not necessarily taking over

they basically buffed fw healing in 1 area and nerfed it in another but also buffed caster dam


It was sarcasm

Pretty good visual

Rushing Wind Kick still has a bug where Thunder Focus Tea reset buff is not cleared when casting RWK, this allows infinite RWK cd resets during the full duration of TFT buff (I don’t remember if Tea of Plenty talent is needed to exploit this bug).

Anyway, once this is fixed, RWK will be cast way less often and doing decent damage with it is OK when the tradeoff is giving up on increased damage->healing conversion talent.

Ah yea didn’t pick up on it in text :rofl:

Nope, not even close. Wish they would gut FW and make it unviable.


If disc can be good fw can be good.

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Disc in no way can even be as toxic as FW… Come on now Kennie.


Tea of plenty proccing on RSK is required. TFT is correctly consumed by RWK, the tea of plenty buff is not.

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Any healer meta is better than Hpala meta.


Agree to disagree

I mean. Like come on now. Fistweaver Kennie.

I’ve played mistweaver off and on for many years and I agree with this almost completely.

I would rather have a holy paladin meta for 4 expansions in a row than even a single season of fistweaver


Conceptually I don’t even hate fistweaver, it does REALLY need to be tuned appropriately, though. Leaning more towards undertuned than overtuned. It should be a niche pick, not an every-game thing.


FW would probably be fine in a world where Ret didn’t exist to compensate for It’s weaknesses.