Fist Weapon sheathing idea/option

Right now Fist Weapons basically never show, and a lot of the time they get put away while you are in combat too if you cast anything that isnt a damage spell. In order to have them show out of combat you need to constantly unsheathe your weapon(s). Essentially we have no real options to always have our fist weapon showing if sheathed. The Elemental shaman legion artifact appearance is always out in combat which is cool, but it never shows when my other weapon is sheathed and it also forces me to unsheathe my shield. People have been asking for a way to see their Fist Weapons for a long time now.

My suggestion/idea for this would be:
Make Fist Weapons have their own ‘sheathe/unsheathe’ ability or system. If you check “Sheathe” it will hide your fist weapon like right now, but if you check “Unsheathe” it will permanently keep your fist weapon out, even if your shield or other weapon is sheathed. This would be separate from the actual “sheathe/unsheathe weapon” setting, it would be its own “sheathe/unsheathe fist weapon” option.

That would allow those of us (many) who want to see our fist weapons all the time have them out while our other weapon/offhand is sheathed. This removes the need to have them sheathe on the back or hip which apparently has been tried before and the artists or devs did not like it because some weapons looked bad that way, which I can see being the case. This would work really well instead.

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