Fishing Macro, trying to use bait smartly

Okay, so I’m very novice at Macros, but for Fishing, it looks like we’re back to having various kinds of bait we can use, so, what my generic fishing mod looks like isn’t working;

#Showtooltip Fishing

/Use Bait1
/Use Bait2
/Cast Fishing

Granted, Bait1,2,3, etc would actually be the item names, like Bismuth Bitterling, or Crystalline Sturgeon. The issue I’m having, is that there’s two kinds of bait. So like with the previously mentioned fish, one buffs Fishing by 10, the other buffs perception by 45. Obviously, I don’t want to be spamming one kind of bait, but I have no idea if I can modify this in a way that I don’t have to reach over to use a different bait before casting my line.

So, if needs be, the idea would be:

Throw Bait1, cast line. Catch fish

Then, Throw Bait2, cast line. Catch Fish

I don’t necessarily want to min/max here, I’m fine with “overusing” the bait fish because the buff stacks, I just want to be able to benefit from both without having three different buttons for casting. (One button would be ideal, but I have no idea how I’d do that, either)

Sorry for the essay, and thanks for the help in advance

Could do right click (or other modified press) for the baits and default for fishing.

#showtooltip Fishing
/use [btn:2] Bait1
/use [btn:2] Bait2
/cast [nobtn:2] Fishing

Actually, I didn’t quite think that would solve the issue, bait and casting line can technically be done simultaneously, but, I could maybe do it for Btn:1 /use perception bait /cast fishing, and Btn:2 /use Fishing+ bait and /cast Fishing

:thinking: That might be the right answer, could also do [Btn:3] /cast fishing for conserving bait…

Thank you for the advice