Fishing in TWW

Currently fishing in the entry town next to the fishing profession trainer and am up to 116 fishing… Still mostly just catching grey junk and I think only caught a total of 3-4 fish. Is this going to be baseline for open water fishing or does it “flip the switch” once you reach a certain level? Just curious if anyone knows from BETA.

update: I got all the way to 300 fishing skill in the first town next to the fishing trainer and even at max fishing skill with +24 fishing from pole/lure, I was catching a large amount of greys mostly. I think perception is needed to fish open water efficiently but not entirely sure as of yet.


I don’t know that open water was ever intended to be viable.

In pretty much every expansion so far that I have played at least in recent years it has been less good at specific fish farms, but better than current expansion is at getting fish in general… I am maxed out at 300 atm, and still get mostly greys from fishing open water. In previous expansions I would get a fish every time but it was random and based on what types of fish were more or less common in that zone/area.

So it is definitely worse than past expansions. At least without any perception gear on. Maybe there is a perception threshold that is required to fish it efficiently.


Dude…fish in the pools. Plenty of pools out there, and the treasure pool alone can net you a thousand gold in blue goodies.


Fishing is only worth it by finding the pools.

And be prepared for a hell of a lot of different fish.


Yeah I know, it’s just that I like to fish stationary with one hand while watching stuff on netflix or crunchyroll sometimes and at least it usually resulted in a good mixture of fish to sell even if most of them were trash fish in the past.

It was just a little frustrating seeing it change to the way it is now… I am hoping that with perception the fishing pools is not as required as it is currently with none.


Yeah I fished on beta and I couldn’t get anything from the open water. I never maxed out my fishing then but I am doubtful it changes.

Actually people are saying once you are maxed out with high perception you can fish in open water but the rate is like 25% fish.

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wish #1 add a eq spot for our fishing hats.
wish #2 add a additional slot for a fishing creel that holds the new bait fish you throw back into the water to get fishing buffs.
that would be a nice quality of life to fishing.


Open water fishing was heavily nerfed in the past to combat fishing bots. By forcing the good fish into pools that are semi random it gives the advantage to players.

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What utterly terrible changes to fishing.

Why fix what isn’t broke? Just break it instead apparently, seems to be Blizzards Motto of late.


I completely agree. I’ve fished since BC and this ‘addition’ is awful. I just want to catch fish, not a bunch of junk. Why even fish if we can’t catch fish? This isn’t a good addition IMO. I’ll probably not level fishing b/c of this ‘quality of life improvement’.

Just fish the pools. Guaranteed fish unlike the open water.

This also means that the fishing event in Hallowfall can be completed quickly because you just target the pools with the fish you want.

I have found that Perception does strongly affect open water fishing results.

Using this set-up:

  • Ghoulfish buff (not the debuff, +15 Perception)
  • Goldengill buff (+45 Perception)
  • Perception enchant on for gathering tools until I can get an Algari Weaverline (+120 Perception)
  • Bismuth Fisherfriend (+186 Perception, +8 TWW fishing only)
  • Nat’s Drinking Hat (+8 fishing) + the hat’s lure effect (+10 fishing)
  • TWW Fishing skill 275 (unmodified)

From open water fishing in Isle of Dorn, I get about a 50% combined catch-rate for fish and treasure drops. Once the buffs from throwing back fish (etc) falls off, it drops to about a 25% combined catch-rate for fish and treasure drops.

I am suspecting that “fishing skill” affects the catch-rate for fish drops and “perception” affects the chance of a treasure drops (and likely the “quality” of fish as well). From what I have seen on-line, once we get the Algari Weaverline no-lifed to max, we should never fish up a junk item ever again.

Blizzard’s latest anti-bot change in TWW to make open-water fishing not-viable or greatly-lessened viability once again makes real-player’s lives ‘fun’.

The dangerous nodes from DF and in TWW also has the anti-bot theme.

I honestly wonder if the change in TWW where only Tailors get cloth off mobs was also similarly part of anti-bot measures. I know gatherers can get some cloth from herb and ore nodes but the aforementions ‘dangerous’ nodes still makes me think those were attempts at anti-bot.

A shame as it makes that ‘stream and relax while playing’ farm that much more annoying for real players.

It is what it is I guess. /sigh

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You have to fly around to the fishing pools if you want to catch fish, there’s fish finder item you can buy from the vendor beside the fishing trainer that will allot you to see the fishing pools on your map the same way Ore and Herbs do.

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Make sure you go into the tracker (the binoculars on your mini map) & make sure you have “Find Fish” ticked.

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Just saying, bots are perfectly fine to fish in pools only. Not sure why blizzard thought this would stop that. it won’t.

I’ve leveled fishing since i started back in BC. Yes, we’ve had some improvements, but this change - well it’s not welcome. So, for the first time since starting, i won’t level fishing anymore.

Yes, I know nobody cares if I stop fishing or not. I’m just voicing my experiences and how this isn’t such a good idea IMO.