Fishing in open water in TWW

Yes, I understand that.

Thing is, for every other profession we were given precise details of how the profession worked. But in all my reading on fishing, nowhere did I see a comment anywhere stating something like “you will fish up few, if any, fish until you reach the level of xx Perception…etc”.

Do you see what I am getting at? You are assuming that is the case - and may well be - but I was hoping to find some sort of firm definition of how it works, step by step, so I could work on it in some way and at least not bother trying for open water fishing until I achieved whatever steps and levels they had in place.

I’m not going to worry over this post any further since it seems obvious there is no definitive description. I’ll keep searching, just in case I missed one.


I’m very disappointed in fishing. There just isn’t any reason at all to make it so unrewarding.

But several professions seem overly complicated and tedious again. There just is no reason at all to not have professions be even a little bit rewarding somewhat early on.

And I HATE that when you finally do catch a fish, often it says to just throw it back for a tiny temp fishing bonus. Seriously? Who thought that would be fun? Woo-hoo.


As I always do with a new expansion, I spent the first 36 hours fishing and working another profession. I leveled 1 to 50 in that little silly pond fishing trainer in the coreaway (still, I’m unsure if that’s the word)
Then I simply flew out that huge body of water Right outside the gates and fished till 100, Occasionally, finding a fish school. Are you using using the fish to increase your skill level? The ones you throw back in the water? The skill up did slow down today, which is like 36 hours later I guess and it’s harder to come by, but I’m still working wherever I am in the game.

Side note, fishing is always been like that if you’re not maxed out right away, you have to level it up. Maybe they just decide to do something different this time which would actually be quite nice and not make it so easy.

Honestly, I’m finding the entire profession system this way.


That’s been used for several expansions now, the throwing back in the water. It’s odd I admit. If you don’t want to do that, you can always buy a lure.
Fishing is supposed to be relaxing, not a grind


Honestly, the only time I ever fish in this game anymore is when i find a nice quiet spot and want to decompress a bit, just like IRL. The current system is overengineered, overly complicated, and offers very little peace…or reward.

This trend to make everything in this game more complicated is not a winning strat, at least not for me.


This is per design blizzard punishes everyone else bc of fish bots. Fish schools

Outside of enchanting, there doesn’t seem to be much point in professions this expac. Kind of sad.

Most folks who enjoy fishing in other games. In WoW it is a relaxing experience you can just go and do. That hasn’t changed, what you’ll get from it is different that’s true. But that has to do with making it an appealing activity rather than merely just a passive gold income for people utilizing fishing bots.

Folks who view WoW fishing as a passive but still active choice to participate activity as a way to relax (which seems to be the type of people in this thread), are sadly the ones caught in the crossfire. You cannot try to combat bots, maintain it as an activity, and make it a passive relaxation activity at the same time. So the general balance is for folks who just want to passively fish to… increase your skill until you get fish I suppose?

Ain’t great, but that might just be the best way to view it.

I’m up around 230 and am starting to get mostly fish instead of junk in open water in the first zone now. Also note that there’s a whole extra fishing progression upgrading our line even after we reach max skill.

I agree with your post, but the biggest issue I’ve always had with WoW is that I often feel like I’ve been caught in the crossfire.


Can we just say learning “Find Fish” should be war bound? I’m maining a Time Walker, and I find fishing pools for RNG in Dustwallow Marsh counterproductive, with my Khaz Algar fishing at 98.

That’s not real character specific emersion, which I DO agree with on many counts.

There’s a book you can buy from the fishing trainer that looks suspiciously like it might teach fish finding? (I haven’t actually tried it myself)

That’s sadly just something that’s gonna happen with a MMO the size of WoW.

I usually say “there’s no WoW community, but there’s multitudes of sub-WoW communities” because of this exact reason. Blizzard has to appeal to the largest number of players and… that will screw over some players sadly. This ain’t a defense or an attack on Blizzard but just simply kinda what one has to do when making a product for millions of people to enjoy … when those millions of people also play the game in vastly different ways.

Wished there was an easier way to accomodate more players that get caught in the crossfire though when that happens.

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In the time since you posted this (2 hours) I went to dornogal and bought a green fishing rod and hat and levelled fishing from 1-300. so 2 hours.

next to the trainer in dornogal, vendor open to buy lures and putting the buff fish on the hotbar to press that and cast line simultaneously

with 268 perception:

at 60ish skill i was catching a fish 2 out of 10 casts.
my first green was around 60

at 120skill i was catching a fish 3 out of 10 casts.
my first blue was around 100

250 skill and 90 more perception
6/10 casts
4th blue

315 skill and keeping the buffs up
8/10 casts = fish

I ended up with 10 blues, 1 fishing derby token, 20 greens (including the bug zone fishing green)

so that will only shift upwards, and change the curve of when you catch what, once you get the tailor thread on your rod, get a better rod (i had cheap green one not better blue one) and get threads.

so, definitively:
you will fish up few, if any, fish until you reach the level of xx Perception…and fishing skill, etc

The point of pools is that you can target the fish you want and get the rarer pools that have the buffs to your rod, which when you level it up enough the bonus applies to all of your warband at different stages.

perception is explained in game, but only on other tradeskills. it would be nice to see exactly what % it is, but it doesn’t matter since if you’re that hardcore you’d always get the highest item you can.

pools aren’t explained either. one of the pools requires the bloody chum to fish out of it, the entire “higher % chance to get the fish” on that one seems wrong tooltip wise, as getting it to 10 stacks always seemed to guarantee the fish, but anything < 10 would time out pretty frequently.

it was easy to keep the +fishing buff up, but the +perception would drop, however the one catch that gives you +45 as a buff makes up for it dropping. i didn’t get curse one frequently enough to keep that up.

so, just like all other pools that have been in the game you’re nearly guaranteed to get that fish (or something else rareish). if you’re trying to minmax fish drops i’d say levelling up by going pool to pool is better than sitting in one spot, since you’re going to find a pool before you catch a fish until you’re near cap.

and again, even capping on gear is missing 100 perception and 100 skill to truly maximize profits.

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So, how is this ‘quality of life’ change even remotely close to how fishing works IRL? you CAN catch fish in open water. You can also catch fish from pools, although pools in IRL are pretty rare.

This isn’t a welcome addition at all. And, I’m not going to pay thousands of gold for a fishing rod as I already have one.

Blizzard, this is the type of crap that makes your customers upset. Please correct this horrible decision. Thank you.

its misinformation, this handwringing about “only” catching fish in pools Is iT a BuG??? and people complaining about this clearly haven’t levelled to 300 which takes 2 hours standing still

It sounds like your experience is vastly different than what most players are reporting.

I appreciate the time and effort you put into this activity/post, but it’s not realistic of the real issue with fishing in TWW.

It’s just not a good change IMO.


I have 300 fishing and about 5-6 weaverline upgrades, even with consumables and lures etc to boost fishing I still get trash like 80% of the time, I don’t think you’re actually meant to open water fish anymore.

Helps mitigate bots too if you think about it.


translation: “most players” skilled to like 50 with 0 khaz perception, best case using underlight angler, got only greys with like 1 white that expires in 30 seconds and only yields more greys, the keyboard warrior whine on the forums.

everyone can literally spend 2 hours spam casting next to the trainer in the first area and see