Overall, I have appreciated and praised the changes to fishing in TWW. I like that it takes 300 skill b/c that keeps the bots calmer and it means the fish have retained value past season 1 in the economy. That would not have been the case had leveling the skill not been made tedious and time-consuming.
That said, I am still baffled by a few things that I find frustrating.
Still Catching Greys
With the hat, the pole, the enchant, and my Ghoulfish Delight, I clock in at 380 Khaz Algar fishing skill and stacks of perception. I should not be catching grey items anymore. Ever. It’s ridiculous.
The Ghoulfish are Soulbound
Come on, guys. Make 'em warbound. I have 153 Ghoulfish Delights on my main. I have leveled three characters to 300 fishing in Khaz Algar and outfitted all of them with weaverline and hats. Let me share the Cursed Ghoulfish with my warband.
The Fishing Hat Still Isn’t a Profession Tool
What are we doing here? The hat cannot be used for transmog–like a profession tool–but you have not made it one, so we still have to carry it around and manually equip it to fish. EITHER let us transmog it, OR make it a profession tool. It’s beyond ridiculous that this hasn’t been fixed. Again…what are we doing?
First you can filet the ghoulfishes when you got stacks for 5 of them. The filet is warbound, so any of your toon that got the recipe can use them.
Second, the derby and an alt army can make short work of the 300 skill hurdle. Each day before the derby, I park all my toons in Mereldar and once one toon has done the quest properly. I mean gotten the right fishes once, every other members of the warband will auto-complete the quest in one cast. Just funnel the notes to each member in turn and I now have 16 toons at 300 fishing skills! If I figured that out, I bet those bots can too!
The problem is the amount you get from fileting is based on cooking skill. Every other TWW fish is NOT soulbound. And the only usefulness of them for fileting is for toons you want to make Ghoulfish Delight on. And since that is also soulbound, again it’s a toon you’ve likely maxed cooking on for that purpose.
There’s really no reason for ghoulfish to have been made soulbound other than to just be an annoyance.
The reason for that is because many fishing hats have an active on use abilities.
BTW useful simple macro for using the above lure granting hats with a single click if you have it equipped (which I imagine it’s part of your fishing gearset so wouldn’t need to be manually equipped)
For a self admitted passionate angler like Merri, being able to have the delight available to the whole of the alt army is prolly a good thing. Provided each has the recipe in their books. But that is a simple to achieve since today is the derby day.
yeah for someone who fishes pretty much regularly on every character, sure. But for the majority of folks the recipe is only useful for folks with gathering professions.
It just strikes me as an intentionally created annoyance that both the fish and the dish are soulbound but not the fillets.
Just a correction, they must have changed stuff recently. The filet is no longer warbound or soulbound, in fact it can be sold in the AH! For a very cheap price actuallly .