Fishing derby not giving buff or allowing completion on alts

First time having this problem. No disconnect or other, just not giving buff as take quest on alts now. Unable to complete or get any credit.

I had a similar issue with only one of my alts today. My main completed the quest with ample time to spare. The first alt that I attempted couldn’t get the buff even after canceling the quest and logging off multiple times. The next three alts, however, were able to complete it: one had to redo the entire quest, while the other two were able to fish just one location.

I’m going to try the quest for that one alt throughout the day. I’ll update this forum if I’m able to complete it.

Just ran into this problem this morning as well. The only difference between this weekend and last weekend is that I caught every single fish on my main fisher before going to any alts, whereas last weekend I still had Pale Huskfish available for credit (and thus triggered the buggy behavior where catching one of any other fish insta-completed the quest for those alts).

Going to try again after my main’s buff actually expires.

I caught all the fish, as well, this week. Did you try it with multiple alts? The alt that can’t seem to get the buff (it’s been over an hour since my main finished the quest) has 140 + fishing pole skill while the other alts are under 50.

My suspicion is that catching all the fish invalidates any other character that picks up the quest as long as the character that caught the fish still has their buff. So far, the two alts I took there still don’t get it when they pick it up. About to test the others I didn’t take. None of my alts have bonus fishing skill because I haven’t crafted Khaz Algar rods for them.

I’ve had four other alts finish the quest after my main caught all of the fish. Only one had to catch the three trophy fish.

Did you pick up any of those quests while your main still had their buff? Or did you take a break to go do something else before you returned?