Fishing derby.. no marks now for the weekly?

So what’s up with the fishing derby? I got only 3 marks when before it was 25. I don’t understand why they nerfed it? 3 marks per week, how is anyone supposed to get any of the vendor items with that?? Am I missing something here where I can get more than 3 for the week?


You get 1 per unique fish caught as well, but that’s still only around a dozen marks a WEEK. Idk what they’re thinking with this grind.

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They were thinking the longer it takes you the more you play the better it looks for the suits and everyone but you is happy.

Same old thing that they been doing for years.

Edit: Or a bug, but highly unlikely

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Unless this is hotfixed, I’m simply not bothering.

I foolishly assumed that this:

Meant each alt AFTER initially turning in the first quest that rewards 25. Not that it would literally only reward 3 per week, meaning how many alts we have to run through this to get the same reward as we did least week? No.


from what i saw on wowhead its 3 for the first turn in

Exploit early, exploit often.

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Which is the correct assumption to have, because they usually write “from 25 down to 3” and elaborate between first quest vs. alts.
They didn’t, it’s intentionally ambiguous. Probably to soften the blow before people caught on.

it was not an exploit it was a fast quest you can get done in 15-20 mins

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You exploited the period of time where it was “imbalanced” per their perspective. I was being hyperbolic.


I guess screw the people who don’t do alts then. Glad I got at least a few weeks at 25 marks.

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There’s already heavy competition for rarer pools even when people are only doing the quest once each. This could lead to some serious frustration.


Yeah the quest reward is now to 3, down from 25. Fortunately I don’t see anything overly compelling to collect to continue on with it.


Please revert this. This is insane. No way I’m doing this more than once per week (or at all with it down to 3 marks).

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This is nuts…I stupidly assumed I’d still get 25 and spent what was a weeks worth to buy 5 books to get some fishing skill, now I just wasted 8.5 weeks worth of tokens for those books …

Please make it 25 for the first of the week and 3 there after, 3 each time is INSANE and for people who may only play 1 character it’s even worse.


Who freaking nerfs how much stuff we get 3 weeks later? I did the same thing with the books…

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Ive done alot of things in WOW that were grindy where I ended up looking at the clock saying "that wasn’t worth it’’ but I was prewarned for those things, not a random Tuesday patch slap on “make the players feel like crying after spending forty minutes on a quest for essentially no reward” The Items you can get are nice but not THAT nice.