I guess you could go fishing on one of those instead maybe? How long does it take to max it out? I would guess it is less than the months it would take your main to have the AA free.
Make a beverage and get out there fishing friend! You can also level it at the Darkmoon Faire and spend the daggermaw fish on the fast gathering potions for your gathering alts.
I was expecting this thread to be about how collecting all of the rewards from this event will take more than half of a year to acquire; but, that is a bad bug, hopefully it gets fixed soon.
I have some pages from my main and it wouldn’t take more than a day or two to max it out - it would be a lot faster than months.
Fishing really should have the ability to get AA as well since it needs it.
Took me 3 or so hours to hit 300 on my second character - did it at DMF and it was a lot easier/faster than flying from pool to pool.
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