First time leveling noob looking for helpful guild or people

Hey All. I am leveling in Cataclysm Classic for the first time as a Warlock and am currently level 42. I am looking for a guild that doesn’t mind helping new players or answer questions. I’m really enjoying this game but also finding a lot of it hard to figure out on your own. Very interested in end game PVE content so hoping there will be some players/guilds that can help me work towards that.


It would help if you said what server you are on. Alot will help you get on your way but please give more context.

Sorry forgot to add that I’m on Faerlina

You’re not too late to level a warlock in Mankrik. Better community and higher population.

I would be open to that. I’m just not the fastest leveling since I’m new. You think it would make that much difference in the gameplay experience?

People tend to be more hostile in Faerlina compared to Mankrik and last time I checked, Faerlina was full of latin people so… If you don’t get triggered by either of those things it wouldn’t make that big of a difference. Also the Auction House. Bigger population means healthier Auction House.