First time I've enjoyed Ele since Cata/MoP

Everything flows nicely, almost.

I see the vision but there’s a few things to address with damage profiles and functionality.

Lava Burst - Should obviously hit hard and I’m not talking about if you look at meters its your highest damage because you’ve casted it 10 times more than everything else.

Earth Shock - Should hit decently but hard if it crits.

Ascendence Proc - seems to be a bit low, since it’s based off of Earth Shock but that’s okay because it feels like they’ve made it that way to allocate damage over to other areas. Id much rather lava burst hit hard consistently than to have it hit like 5 times in one global with PW/Ascendance

Flame Shock - That talent that reduces duration for more damage is terrible. It wouldn’t be my ideal source of damage but it would be okay if it didn’t reduce flame shock.

Lava Surge - the procs should stack up to at least two. Using Ancestral Swiftness and Primordial Wave I get a surge proc in between and it doesn’t feel good.

Lighting Bolt - should do moderate damage unless spec’d into modifiers or storm bringer

Storm Keeper - Instant cast and/or increase buff duration??? It’s awkward to cast SK-Fire Ele-Mag Tot-AS/PW-Ascendance-LB-LB-Lightin bolt x2 and have like 3 seconds to cast them. In PvP one stun would ruin it or an LoS.

Lastly mastery doesn’t feel as good as it should. This is how id prefer it to work.

Reduces the “Increase all elemental, physical and pet damage” and put it into proc chance.

Keep the ratio of damage it adds just make it channel through procing more than just the flat damage.

It’ll be the exact same damage just visually more exciting.

Also make it to where you can obtain 75% chance to overload with 15% -20% haste.
Stacking all mastery shouldn’t be 20%…

I know they’re not going to convert it back to how it was.