First Time, Brewmasters?

Hello everyone,

It’s been really nice coming to these forums lately. It’s very reminiscent of 2020. We were in the middle of the pandemic, and Shadowlands was on the horizon poised to be “one of the best” expansions ever - it just “needed a little more time” according to big time streamers.

On the class forums the Devs were being super active with the classes, making posts, collecting feedback, responding to concerns, etc. Well, except for Monks. We were being straight up ignored. Preach does his interview with the peeps over at Peak of Serenity, and states it was making him angry looking at how much we were being ignored - I think we had 1 blue post overall and the next lowest class had like 9.

Priest just finished getting another rework to further smooth out their gameplay - the main dev that did this rework quits a few weeks later. I was doing my part my tweeting at every Blizzard employee I could find asking them to not ignore us every single day.

Finally I just refunded my purchase, and missed what is considered one of the worst expansions of all time.

I can’t say it gets better, but I can say the train keeps moving /laughcry.

In all seriousness though, it does look like Blizzard is listening a lot more, and as someone who wanted to pick up Brew for the first time I am keeping my hopes high. I really don’t believe we are in the same situation we were at the end of BFA/WoD/Legion. Things seem different. I will say that since Pallys and Druids are having trouble right now, and they are the most played classes, it may take a second before we get some love.

Demand love though. You deserve it.


I can genuinely say that the problems that Brewmaster currently has don’t really, impactfully manifest until a level of play that 99.9% of players will never see. And people don’t want to hear this, so I get a lot of hate. But it has been my experience.

I’m doing heroic raid with zero issue. I’m timing +8/+9 keys with zero issue. I’m doing T8-T11 delves extremely efficiently, perhaps one of the strongest specs in the game for it. Brewmaster might be the “worst” tank, but I have not felt even remotely held back by playing it. Granted, if I was pushing +12s/+13s right now, I definitely think my spec choice would be hindering the progress of myself and my group. But, I’m not. I haven’t timed a +10 yet this season. I’m not doing bleeding edge content.

At the level of play I usually sit at (AoTC and 3000 io dungeons) Brewmaster has felt FINE. We need some love, definitely. I have criticisms. I’ve posted extensively here about what I think needs to be done to bring the spec into a better position. But I’m not suffering for playing Brew. In fact, I love it.


This is so true. The amount of people who will watch a streamer who’s in the top 1% talk about a spec and then rush to the forums to cry for buffs is astounding. That, or they refuse to look at their own poor play and blame the spec.


Brewmaster summary:
Soloing open world quests and bosses- great
PvP - not so great
Dungeons (when properly gear) -great
Delves- solo- great

Can other tanks do some of them better? Maybe

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