First time actually posting. SCK broken twice?!?

I do understand about 95% of the changes implemented in yesterdays patch. I understand things break, and sometimes it takes them being addressed to fix them. I am not the best player by any stretch of truth, but im also not a pleb, most of the time.There are two things I dont understand, THE FIRST thing I do not understand, is the new shadowboxing treads / SCK synergy, or loss off I guess you could say. THE SECOND also has to deal with SCK, but that now i have to actually not implement any actions other than movement, for the entirety of the spells channel, in order to get its full usage? Thats bs. In that case, EVERY class and EVERY spell should get this change. I would have rather you took away movement during its channel, and allowed other actions to be “pre-loaded” into my rotation. There goes the metronome -esque rotation I so knew and loved, because now its gonna be a bunch of tab pressing and pausing.

I hope these get reverted…

i am not a fan of the sck breaking.

I swear every few of my SCK channels are getting cancelled for no discernable reason. Sometimes SCK instantly ends, and my only guess is that if I use it immediately following another spell it cancels the cast. Like the previous spell doesn’t register going through until after SCK starts, and then causes it to cancel. Either way, it really punishes tight spell casting windows, and I’m having to play extremely cautious for it not to get cancelled.

I’m really, really, really hoping Shadowboxing Treads gets fixed. I strongly dislike tabbing around to get SCK stacks, it’s very regressive feeling. It was one of the better improvements in WW AoE in Dragonflight.