What’s on your list this week to do?
Open up chests if I have one for the week.
Open up my Cache of Dissapointment which never fails to do so.
Go after Weapon Illusions … even if they don’t show on the armory page.
Grab my PvP/M+ chest and spend 15 minutes doing my emmesary.
Login -> Open Chest -> Be frustrated about RNG loot -> Check Guild Status -> log off / sit in my idle spot & Minimize the game -> Play a game that’s actually fun until Raid Time.
After Raid time, debate to do Keys or log off / minimize game and play something that’s actually fun.
say a prayer that i don’t get the same legs, chest, or gloves i’ve been getting for the past 3 months… then i go open the chest, only to see those same legs, chest, or gloves.
Open chest, grab loot/ scrap loot, run key if it’s a decent one.
Debate whether to run old raids for mounts and transmog or just log off to play something else.
today i logged into my ally shaman and bought 2 seals. checked WB, nothing there is an upgrade. changed to enh and queued for two wings of lfr for a trinket. did fetid, got trinket without bonus rolling. went to darkshore and tried to bonus roll that, nothing popped up for me to bonus roll. now i have 2 seals and nothing to spend them on. i have some cleaning and bs to do irl today so i’ll figure it out later. lol.
My first thing to do on reset day is to log into FFXIV and start playing my new Blue Mage.
Well! I didn’t do my mythic this week lol. I might have a pvp chest…
Either way, I will be going to the Heart of Fear to collect more of that hilarious magic man set! UGH! I need it! It’s so bad/good! Put it on my body.
/rolls need on all of it
Open my cache of dissapointment and then log off.
Thats the only thing this game has left to do
But if you have a cache that means you did something this last week before opening a cache.
I did 1 mythic 10 that took 30 minutes.
I paid $50 for the xpac and $15 a month for this
$16.41. they started charging us sales tax!
you’re an alliance main right? what’s your main race/class?
Why does it matter?
Only if your in one of those states. Guess I lucked out.
i’m just curious. you’re one of the ally posters i actually like so to me it’d be interesting to know what your main is. no malice, i promise.
You have good tastes in humans.
This is also one I like.