First SoM MC clear posted by <w h o> today

Um, overall damage and overall damage with trash is led by mages and hunters not melee lul.

Cope harder.

Every raid that has cleared so far has hunters and mages top damage.

One raid even has multiple warlocks as top damage.

You should look at w h oā€™s second clear, click on ā€œencounters and trash fightsā€, then look at the top damage, it is a Rogue #1, and a warrior #2. #3 is a mage, #4 is a warrior, #5 is a rogue.

So their overall damage with trash, of their top 5 damage dealers, 4 are melee.

Now, what is going to happen as the weeks go on and the melee get more and more gear, they are going to keep climbing up. As I predicted, over and over and over again, the first clear, maybe it will be a few casters on top but as the melee get gear and they get better at the fights, the melee will take over.


1 warrior and 1 rogue among 6 ranged. Most raids will look like these.

Warlocks who multidot constantly will do way more damage than anyone else, followed by hunters, then mages.

Why are you able to include links in your posts? It is absurd that I cannot.

Their top 5 are Alizee(rogue), Zulpi(warrior), Milhouses(mage), Cosy(warrior), Mafia(rogue)

as their melee get better gear, they will do even more damage as they kill mobs faster and clear the content faster, dots will not have as much time to tick.

You are going to see as guilds get better and gear gets better for melee, they are going to be top damage. It is a simple fact. Blizzard did not change how trash works, and the bosses have mechanics that can absolutely be done by melee, w h oā€™s second raid shows that. Most of the bosses a melee is top damage.

It is going to happen, and it has already started happening. You are just too blind to see it and hoping against all hope that you losing to warriors the entire time in classic, was just because of world buffs. It is not.

Welcome your new DPS overlordsā€¦warlocks.

In most of the logs the warlocks werenā€™t playing correctly. This log they are multidotting properly.

Also if you only bring 2 warlocks their DPS is nerfed.

When you have 4+ warlocks they start to shine. There isnā€™t even a shadow priest in this raid and they are top dps.

Melee die on a lot of fights. Warlocks donā€™t die. They live and do constant damage as long as healers have mana.

In a month you are going to see the top damage be Warriors and rogues on most of the fights and on the trash.

It is already happening and the gap will continue to widen. At this point in the game, the caster gear is not that great, even the PVP gear will not keep them scaling well. All that was needed was for people to show that melee can absolutely do the fights. and they will be brought more and more. Especially Rogues since they will get their .5 gear and do absurd damage. A CHT and Perd rogue with 0.5 gear is going to dominate.

You think melee donā€™t have issues just look at damage taken chart.

This kinda says it allā€¦

Melee are just a burden on the raid and die in like 4 fights. You also have to pop hella consumes to even stay alive and do damage.

Also the raid with more casters wiped WAY less than the melee heavy raid.

I am laughing pretty hard at you, those rogues even in your ā€œmelee suckā€ parse that you keep using, are not that far behind, the moment they get their 0.5 gear they are going to rocket past those warlocks.

Those warlocks have a stacked raid and some have decent spell power already. They may gain 100 maybe 120 spell power over what they have right now.

The rogues are going to gain a ton of attack power, crit, hit and damage from better weapons. Not to mention the overpowered for this stage in the raiding set bonus from 0.5 tier.

Yeah rogues will be top dps on a lot of fights but will still die on at least 4 fights. You canā€™t be top overall damage if you consistently die on fights.

That is why ranged will prevail.

Something tells me you didnā€™t look at deaths on that warlocks are king post you made, they had 4 wipes, and the most deaths by a rogue was 6. So they didnt die all that much. Like I said, as they get better at the fights and get better gear (with more stamina) deaths will happen less and they will do more damage.

The warlocks are pulling threat and dying and still out dpsing everyone. They are threat capped. They arenā€™t dying to mechanics. Rag is maybe the only fight where the mechanics are an issue.

When tanks get geared they will pump even harder.

I actually cleared to rag in beta on a lock and was one of the top damage in the raid along with a mage. I even died on 2 boss fights and was still 2nd dps overall. Both were not my fault.

I know what Iā€™m talking about.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to the gearing up of the raid. Yes melee get super strong with t0.5, casters will get strong with getting more hit gear as well, and both will get stronger once the threat ceiling is raised. Iā€™m curious to see where things end up both from speed runs and high execution runs.

Fights will also get shorter in duration, making the scary fights less scary, and helping classes that might be hitting mana problems.

The problem is there isnā€™t really any more hit gear for the casters until later phases. There is like 5 or 6 total hit rating pieces in all of Phase 1 for casters. I think the max a warlock can get is 5%, but even then there are pieces that overshadow them, such as Choker of the Fire Lord, it is objectively a better neck than the hit rating necks in P1. Ring of spell power is objectively better than Don Mauricioā€™s Band of Domination as another example.

Locks go affliction and get hit from talents since the debuff cap is removed.

Not on shadow bolt, you know, the spell that does the vast majority of their damage.


Not anymore, dots do a ton of their damage. Dots combined do as much damage as shadow bolt now.

dude, go look at their parses before you say anything else. 55-60% of their damage comes from shadowboltā€¦ It would be higher if they didnt miss 11-14% of them On single target it can be up to 70%(or more)

I havent looked but I would bet youā€™d find a lot of top dmg hunter/mage in a lot of the 1st raids done in classic.

Both those classes do really well without much gear, mages especially.

I like the changes they have made and personally think they didnt need sweeping class changes to make the game appealing to those of us who just like a good RPG and the feeling of fresh servers, but ya warrior/rogues are still going to dominate as the game goes on imo, even if just by statistical numbers a lot of good players rolled warrior again lol.

The reason locks got stronger is because of dots not because of shadow bolt.

You keep forgetting that overall damage is not just bosses. A lot of it is trash. Locks will dominate on trash.

Iā€™m saying locks are overall damage leaders, not damage leaders on all bosses. I never said they were.

Rogues will beat locks on a lot of bosses (if they live) but canā€™t keep up on trash.

Locks donā€™t have CDs to worry about. Rogues have 5 min CDs.

Dude you dont know anything about warlocks, just stop. They arent rolling tons of dots single target, Corruption is on there to proc extra shadowbolts, Doom is on there for the ā€œfreeā€ damage and everything else is a waste of mana on bosses.

As for trash, they are mostly hit capped already, it doesnt take that much spell hit to cap on trash. agony is like 5% -10% of their damage and siphon life is like 3-5%

The vast amount of their damage comes from shadowbolt and using corruption to proc shadowbolts. That is how affliction works.